I've got this strange pixel anomaly on my recently purchased 24" Alu iMac, initially I thought it was a dead pixel as it appears black, but recently noticed it moves about depending on where I'm looking at the screen. For example, I drew a box around it in Word and then moved my head from side to side, the pixel would move in and out of the box. This led to me thinking it can't be a pixel problem and must be something on the display. I proceeded to clean it and it still remained.
I decided to take a photo to see if I could get a better look at it, here are the results:
Any suggestions on what it could be would be welcomed
I'm also going to call Apple on Monday to see what they say, bearing in mind this is my second iMac already and I've only had it for just over a month.
I decided to take a photo to see if I could get a better look at it, here are the results:

Any suggestions on what it could be would be welcomed
I'm also going to call Apple on Monday to see what they say, bearing in mind this is my second iMac already and I've only had it for just over a month.