Alright, I know this may sound ridiculous, but for my first Mac I got a Mac Pro. The thing is, I'm only in college, so I can't utilize its full power. I puddled around for many months debating on what I would get (nothing other than Apple). I considered iMac, MacBook, MacBook Pro, and, of course, the awaited Mac Pro. As my mind flipped between one and another, I always ended up with the Mac Pro as my choice. But now that I have it, I keep thinking I could have got something cheaper/more reasonable. I feel bad because I have this awesome expensive computer I can't use all of, and I still want a MacBook or something (another factor is I wish I had an ACD instead of two ViewSonics. One of the displays sometimes has a red shadow on black text or purplish shadow on blue text). But if I had gotten an iMac or MBP, I would be regretting it now because of... well you know. So as this post doesn't really ask any sort of question, I just need someone to tell me to shut up and enjoy what I've got, or tell me that I've got too much and should get something else. I use my MP for editing video, only as a personal hobby... for now. (Would Seagate be a good external HD to get?)