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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jul 22, 2008
I've decided to jailbreak. I have read the posts from others, watched the youtube videos, read the stickys. So what Im working with is a 3G running 2.2.1, the computer is a Mac Mini running 10.5.6. I am aware of the problem with the new software and needing a powered usb hub, but i think i will try and see what happens if i don't use one. So my question to all is that lets say i go through the process and i get that error message saying the USB cant power, do i restore it or can i just unplug it and it will be back to stock?? Also i have been unclear as to "powered" USB hub, because I've read about people using the hubs that plug in and turn 1 port to 4 and then I've read posts of ppl using their monitor keyboards, so what exactly would i need?? I would like to get this going tonight, but not b4 i have these answered...also if you have any other experiences, advice about jailbreaking please share so i can learn more.
I used a non-powered USB 2.0 hub. It was a semi-recently made one, that has no problem passing power to USB speakers. I can't guarantee that any old USB hub would work, so I think using a powered one is a "better safe than sorry" measure. My JB worked perfectly the first time, so I can't address your other concerns.
Some computers using 10.5.6 will work without any need for a hub or the other method so give it a shot. I'd suggest reading the iphone-dev site first then go to iClarified and find the tutorial that you want and follow that,there is a download you can use to modify those installs of 10.5.6 that won't do DFU without modification.
I used a powered hub, worked fine for me, but my mac is a 1st gen intel iMac so that may have had something to do with it.

Decided JB wasnt worth it for me (couldnt find anything interesting enough) so restored to normal.
Just for future reference; Does jailbreak work on an old PowerMac G4?

I'm getting one for about £50, and it'll be my first Mac :D:D But I'm just wondering if PwnageTool will work...
So i went ahead and jailbroke the other day and want to know if what i did was normal, so i followed the tutorials to the T. I got to the point right after you put the phone in DFU mode, i got a error message which from watching youtube videos is normal. It was along the lines that it couldn't read the device so i just let it sit there and after about 5 minutes it wasn't doing anything so i unplugged the phone then plugged it back in and it worked fine, everything was successful i had cydia and installer on the screen. I didn't change USB ports didn't use a hub, has anyone else ran into this??
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