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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 23, 2003
Anyone bought the Pro version of Office v.X? If so how many CDs came with it? Were both VPC and v.X on a single CD or were they both on a separate CD? Or school is offering x.V for 65.00 plus tax, they say its Professional w/ VPC 6.1, but I dont believe them being its a single disc. Any info is appreciated.

There just media/license packs, no packaging, in case you were wondering.
Yeah it is a big discount, this is why Im wondering. I work for the computer department for my school so I know that they got these discounts by signing contracts with Microsoft. They do have Office 2003 Professional for Windows for 65.00 (I confirmed it, the CDs do say that on them) as well as XP Professional for 65.00 as well. Both of these are of course one CD. But Office v.X is supposed to be the Professional release as well but it too is one on one CD. And seeing v.X Professional is supposed to be bundled with VPC 6.0 Im wondering if in fact the Mac people on campus are once again getting shafted. The person who runs the computer store hates Macs because quote "No one uses Mac, so why should I support it?" which is rediculous seeing we have a person in charge of the Macs on campus, and no less than 20 people have ordered Powerbooks and G5s this semester ALONE. Of well, if anyone has any information pertaining to whether or not v.X and VPC come on a single CD please leave a msg. Thanks
I don't know for certain, but I don't see any reason why they wouldn't. Back when I had Windows, I could get Office XP on 1 CD, or Office XP with FrontPage, which was also 1 CD. VPC isn't very big (about 30 megs) so it would easily fit on the same CD as the rest of Office.

Edit: Just remembered that Office Pro is supposed to come with Win XP too. Even then, it should still all fit on 1 CD, with a few megs to spare.
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