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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Sep 9, 2003
When I purchased Office XP from my university it came with a 3 computer limit install. Thus, when I purchased Office X for my PowerMac, I figured the rules were the same (as the university sells the disc oem).

I installed it on my PowerMac. A coworker installed it on his PowerBook. I went to install it on my FH PowerMac and a message came up saying coworker (it had his full name listed) is using this license.

Now I am really worried. I have sold my PowerMac, and I uninstalled Office X from it. I am going to receive problems with my install when I get my new iBook?

If I do have problems and I have everybody uninstall their copies, will I have problems then? I think is is a bit weird that information was sent out without permission as that is the only way MS would technically know the exact name of the person using the software. And if this is the case, why did it not list my name first as I always had my PowerMac online and I used the disc prior to anybody else?
I checked the licensing agreement. It can be installed on 3 computers. Then what is the deal! I have only installed it on 3 computers.

It better not give me any issues when I install it on my iBook, as I have removed the installation on the PowerMac. I went through these issues with MS when I had to reformat my PC last. They refused to accept that I had erased the programming because of a serious problem on my computer. It took several calls and tag teaming between FH and I Microstupid to understand.
Sorry to be picky but you haven't installed it on three computers. You and your co-worker have installed it on three computers.

I'd guess that elsewhere in your licence agreement it says that you personally are allowed to install three copies - not you and two other people you choose. Perhaps it doesn't like the different names. FWIW you can block this checking through the firewall. IIRC there was an article about this on I think it was.
Office X has anit-piracy protection that doesnt allow it to open when another version with the same serial # is running on the network. Try to make sure the names match (and yes, you have 3 license's, not whomever you wish to have the other 2). Also, if you have 3 copies, you should have 3 individual serial numbers. IF not there is a applescript that you can set to run when you fire up your computer that can disable the office check.
I have the educational version of Office which does allow you to use the product on 3 computers at the same time. it comes with 3 separate CD-keys.

Each install requires a unique key otherwise you will get the error you're mentioning.
You said it...

I think you answered your own question, the license is for you and can be installed on 3 of your computers. Not shared between you and 1-2 of your buddies. That would be sweet though, you could buy a copy then sell it on ebay twice... ;)

Pretty sneaky to check on the local network for duplicate keys... So it doesn't actually "phone home"?
Originally posted by hugemullens
Office X has anit-piracy protection that doesnt allow it to open when another version with the same serial # is running on the network. Try to make sure the names match (and yes, you have 3 license's, not whomever you wish to have the other 2). Also, if you have 3 copies, you should have 3 individual serial numbers. IF not there is a applescript that you can set to run when you fire up your computer that can disable the office check.
It is my understanding that serial number checking has been disabled for security reasons in subsequent versions of Office v.X. If that is the case, then upgrading to the latest version should "fix" the problem.
Thank you for the responses. First off, I am not some pirating guru. I was somewhat bothered by the comment that I could/would sell anything of the sort over eBay. If the program does not sell with the disk and license I do not sell it. I may have had a misjudgement, but this is not some sort of scheme. I just figured 3 licenses, 3 Macs, good deal. BTW, the PC version of Office XP only comes with 1 number but 3 computers.

As for the computers on the network deal, that is very alarming. So what if I buy a desktop next year and I install MY copy of Office X on MY desktop and MY laptop for a total of two computers? If I have them connected at the same time to the high speed internet does that mean I can only use Office on one of them at a time? Very strange.

Checking on the local network is really freaking me out. I trust to put my name in my computer because I think it is MY computer. Seeing my coworker's name flashed up on my screen made me think, what has my Mac been sending out! Is this a common thing with Macs (I am new to them)? What can I do to protect my personal identity and infomation?

All very strange.
Its nothing to do with Mac's. Microsoft choosed to do it to curb piracy. It does not go over the internet, but it does scan in your LAN. If you had it running on your powermac and your powerbook was on your lan, you could open up an office product on the powerbook. I don't know if this has been stopped in later versions as i only have a powerbook, but it can be stopped through firewalls and applescript. I agree, its a bit extreme, but not as bad as some product activation and fair use crap i've seen.
Originally posted by niter
Thank you for the responses. First off, I am not some pirating guru. I was somewhat bothered by the comment that I could/would sell anything of the sort over eBay. If the program does not sell with the disk and license I do not sell it. I may have had a misjudgement, but this is not some sort of scheme. I just figured 3 licenses, 3 Macs, good deal. BTW, the PC version of Office XP only comes with 1 number but 3 computers.

As for the computers on the network deal, that is very alarming. So what if I buy a desktop next year and I install MY copy of Office X on MY desktop and MY laptop for a total of two computers? If I have them connected at the same time to the high speed internet does that mean I can only use Office on one of them at a time? Very strange.

Checking on the local network is really freaking me out. I trust to put my name in my computer because I think it is MY computer. Seeing my coworker's name flashed up on my screen made me think, what has my Mac been sending out! Is this a common thing with Macs (I am new to them)? What can I do to protect my personal identity and infomation?

All very strange.
As much as I hate M$, it is not unique in this regard or even the worst offender. The installation of the same StuffIt serial number on different computers on the LAN is not permitted. M$ only frowns on using multiple instances of the same serial number simultaneously.
Realbasic does it too but only checks for concurrently running instances with the same serial.

Technically with most things I think it's one purchase for one serial on one machine.
Thanks for all the helpful responses.

Good news. I talked to the Computer Services for our department (as I should have done before) and I was provided with the department´s copy of Office X which is allowed to go on all university computers in our lab.
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