I don't agree, the fact is that this forum is as misleading as Apple.
I'll explain:
When I began thinking about buying a 24 Incher I started researching for user opinions about it. From reading some threads here about the 7300GT, the feedback that guys like you gave me always made me think that such GPU was a big piece of crap. I couldn't afford the upgrade to the 7600GT so I didn't.
When I bought the 24" iMac base model I was thinking (taking into consideration what I'd read at some posts here) that I wouldn't be able to play Counter Strike:Source at a decent frame rate (1024x768) in max settings and was really worried. However, when I loaded Windows, installed some games (HL2, CS:S, DOD:S, SWAT4, FEAR, BF2) I realized that I was completely wrong about the power of the graphics card I had inside, I was not only able to run CS:S at 1280x1024 (which is enough by me) on max settings, I was also able to run F.E.A.R (which is a real pusher on the hardware) at 1024x768, max settings, completely fluid!! So as all the other games I'd installed
So, when you say that Apple lies, it's probably true, all companies lie, it's called marketing, yet, you should remember that not everyone makes it a pre-requisite to run their games at native resolution, I play in 1280x1024 or 1024x768 and it looks beautiful to me, if Apple exaggerates in what it can do, you are doing the same in reverse, putting it down lower than it really is.
Just one more question, do you actually own a 24" iMac with the 7300GT?
PS - I'm not bashing you in any way, just defending what's mine and giving my opinion