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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jan 8, 2003
I have seen how the oil from hands and fingers shows up on the blackbook. For everyone that has them.....not for people that have seen them in the it really that bad? What I'm trying to ask is, are the oily spots that bad or are the people that play with the blackbook at the stores nasty.

macdaddy121 said:
I have seen how the oil from hands and fingers shows up on the blackbook. For everyone that has them.....not for people that have seen them in the it really that bad? What I'm trying to ask is, are the oily spots that bad or are the people that play with the blackbook at the stores nasty.
I'd like to know this as well!
I had a blackbook, as soon as you touch it you leave greasy marks on it. I was constantly wiping it down with a microfibre cloth cause I'm a bit of a neat freak. When I took it to uni and saw it in broad daylight, a bit of the spacebar, the command key and the trackpad were shiny and no amount of cleaning got rid of it. Also the lid of the macbook can look as though your a grubby person if you don't clean it.

I exchanged it for a white macbook after 2 weeks. Couldn't be happier with it. Not only does it stay clean and look shiny, it stands out like a beacon amongst the drab dells, hps etc.
Thanks for the insight. I'm assuming all of the other blackbook lovers (seem to be everywhere) don't want to comment on this????

Anybody else???
It's not that bad. Cleaning it once a week would be enough to keep it looking good as new.

But if you are a "neat freak":) you may reconsider which one is better. Also consider that the white one would show scratches, and after one years it would have some stains that you are not going to be able to clean.

In the black one, fingerprints would be easy to clean even after 4 years.

It's not a mystery why most laptops are black: black hides stains and scratches better.
Roco said:
Also consider that the white one would show scratches, and after one years it would have some stains that you are not going to be able to clean.

I thought the staining had been fixed. Am I wrong?
Unless you're a neat freak, i wouldn't worry about it. Remember how many hands touch the display models. It would be comparable to a garage full of car mechanics using it without washing their hands. It's really not all that bad. The only complaint I have is the top of the case, but you can clean that with just a damp tissue.
macdaddy121 said:
Roco said:
Also consider that the white one would show scratches, and after one years it would have some stains that you are not going to be able to clean.

I thought the staining had been fixed. Am I wrong?

The yellow discoloration was corrected. (or at least they will change the case under warranty for you).

But what I mean is the stains that appear because of normal use. At least in the iBook you could notice stains that were very difficult to get rid of.

But don't worry about this, buy the one you like the best. If you like the looks of the white or the black go for it. Both have their problems, and both have solutions.
Roco said:
macdaddy121 said:
The yellow discoloration was corrected. (or at least they will change the case under warranty for you).

But what I mean is the stains that appear because of normal use. At least in the iBook you could notice stains that were very difficult to get rid of.

But don't worry about this, buy the one you like the best. If you like the looks of the white or the black go for it. Both have their problems, and both have solutions.

Absolutely true, there are solutions out there for those who really want to keep their MacBook super-clean.

One idea is to put a protective layer on top of your MacBook. If anybody can read Mandarin, I know that this online store from China is selling this product called an 'iMask' that's supposed to protect your keyboard from fingerprints and oils. I'm thinking of getting one. (RMB 80 = around CND 11.42)
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