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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 27, 2007
Staten Island NY
well im trying to put NES on my phone
I downloaded it through installer
i got the NES folder on my computer and used cyberduck to access my phone.. it connected fine.... but it i dont have such a thing called MEDIA.. so in another thread they said to just drop NES in the / directory which is wat i did and it still wont work..
and help here would be awesome!
EDIT::::::I found out that in 1.1.3 u need to go to a different folder to get to media, which i did, now when i make the folder ROMs then put another folder called NES inside of it. then when i drag the nes apps into the NES folder, in the game it still doesent recognize it...
thanks alot
off topic, please excuse


I came across your post and saw that you live in Staten Island. I am moving to area near ferry (St pauls avenue) Martch 1st and am currently T Mobile, but want to know how the AT&T cell service is around there as I am considering an iphone. I don't know what part of the island you're on but since you are an Iphone user, perhaps you could help me with some information?
I hope this is OK....
from Cyberduck, change the directory to / in the dropdown menu in the middle. you should see folders ranging from Applications to var. open up var. open up mobile. open up Media. create a folder called ROMs. within ROMs, create another folders called NES. then just drag drop your roms into the NES folder.
from Cyberduck, change the directory to / in the dropdown menu in the middle. you should see folders ranging from Applications to var. open up var. open up mobile. open up Media. create a folder called ROMs. within ROMs, create another folders called NES. then just drag drop your roms into the NES folder.

Okay I opened up / and there wasn't a folder for var. There was just a crooked black arrow that said var. If I open that and follow it to my NES folder. the drop down looks like /private/var/mobile/media/ROMs/NES. That doesn't seem to work, because it's not recognizing my ROMs.

What do I need to do? I really appreciate any help.
try command + G and type in /var/mobile/Media as the path. then create the ROMs folder in that location and then a NES folder inside of ROMs
try command + G and type in /var/mobile/Media as the path. then create the ROMs folder in that location and then a NES folder inside of ROMs

So I did command G and setup as you suggested, but it still didn't work.

I have this stupid private folder in there. My path looked like this,


it still wouldn't work.

Any thoughts?
ROM locations


iPhones with firmware 1.1.2 or earlier:
ROMs go in /var/root/Media/ROMs/NES (for those of you who don't read the README).

iPhone with firmware 1.1.3:
NOTE: Version 2.0.4, which works on 1.1.3, is in SVN. ROMs for v2.0.4 will go in /var/mobile/Media/ROMs/NES.

The problem seems to be the NES app under 1.1.3.
I have put ROMS in both locations as indicated above, and tried the
2.0.1 (installer version) and
2.0.5 (manual install and changed permission to the same as other apps)

Neither NES app works...
Have not tried 2.0.3 though.
Explain what you mean by command + G. Where do I type that in? In fugu? Thanks
its a keystroke. have cyberduck as the active window. hold command + G and a Go To Folder prompt will appear. if you still dont get it, just go to Go in the menubar and select Go to folder. then put in /var/mobile/Media as the pathname and create the ROMs and NES folders.
its a keystroke. have cyberduck as the active window. hold command + G and a Go To Folder prompt will appear. if you still dont get it, just go to Go in the menubar and select Go to folder. then put in /var/mobile/Media as the pathname and create the ROMs and NES folders.

So I did command G and setup as you suggested, but it still didn't work.

I have this stupid private folder in there. My path looked like this,


it still wouldn't work.

Should I use cyberduck instead of fugu? I'm on a mac.
hm.. strange. i put your path into my cyberduck and it took me straight to my ROMs. so i dont think that private folder is a factor.

uninstall NES from installer and try downloading the NES emulator here. uncompile it. open up the build folder. now navigate to /Applications in cyberduck or fugu. drag drop the from the build folder and into the /Applications folder in cyberduck or fugu. then go to /var/mobile/Media/ and create the folders and drag drop your roms.
hm.. strange. i put your path into my cyberduck and it took me straight to my ROMs. so i dont think that private folder is a factor.

uninstall NES from installer and try downloading the NES emulator here. uncompile it. open up the build folder. now navigate to /Applications in cyberduck or fugu. drag drop the from the build folder and into the /Applications folder in cyberduck or fugu. then go to /var/mobile/Media/ and create the folders and drag drop your roms.

Okay I installed the NES emulator to my desktop. What is the build folder? I tried command G to get to /applications and it said it didn't exist. Thanks for helping me with this.
open up the NESapp-2.0.5.tar.gz file. it should give you a NESapp-2.0.5 folder. open that folder. you should see the build folder. open that folder. then you should see the NES app file. drag drop that file into /Applications in cyberduck.
open up the NESapp-2.0.5.tar.gz file. it should give you a NESapp-2.0.5 folder. open that folder. you should see the build folder. open that folder. then you should see the NES app file. drag drop that file into /Applications in cyberduck.

Okay got that. Is NES supposed to show up on my iphone homescreen? It hasn't.
now connect to the iPhone using cyberduck or fugu. navigate to /var/mobile/Media or /private/var/mobile/Media and create a ROMs folder. within ROMs, create a NES. then just drag drop your roms into the NES folder.
now connect to the iPhone using cyberduck or fugu. navigate to /var/mobile/Media or /private/var/mobile/Media and create a ROMs folder. within ROMs, create a NES. then just drag drop your roms into the NES folder.

Did you get it to work on 1.1.3 that has 1.1.2 modem (via official 1.1.3 update)? As I mentioned earlier, tried different versions / different ROM locations and none worked.
now connect to the iPhone using cyberduck or fugu. navigate to /var/mobile/Media or /private/var/mobile/Media and create a ROMs folder. within ROMs, create a NES. then just drag drop your roms into the NES folder.

SWEET SUCCESS. Man thank you so much for taking the time to drag me through that. I really appreciate it.

Now if I can only get my youtube and mail working I'd be set.

Thanks again.
Did you get it to work on 1.1.3 that has 1.1.2 modem (via official 1.1.3 update)? As I mentioned earlier, tried different versions / different ROM locations and none worked.
im not shure how to check the modem, but i was on the official 1.1.3 update and jailbroke from there. i think the problem is that the NES app from installer isnt up to date. its 2.0.1 on installer but on the official website, the latest version is 2.0.5 and i got it to work with that.
Works with Cyberduck.

Does not work with Fetch 5.3. Permission seems to be set correctly but actually not set correctly.
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