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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 28, 2006
Today was the limit that i could wait before purchasing a macbook.

I'm going to do so with the iPod rebate on a 30gb iPod. Is the 30gb iPod the same? ie the one i get with the rebate the same as the one in the normal store still?

Also, anyone got any words of warning like "dont buy yet because...." then please shout out.


(I waited so so long for c2d and here I am ordering a macbook anyway)
If today's really the limit then I don't see what you're waiting for and what you're asking. If it's not really the limit then that's another question.
miloblithe said:
If today's really the limit then I don't see what you're waiting for and what you're asking. If it's not really the limit then that's another question.

You're right is the limit and i dunno what i'm on about! I guess months of waiting has gotten to my head. I should just be glad that I waited out the majority of the original macbook problems.
I'll be buying mine today too. I'm pretty excited.

Also the ipods have dropped in price, so that's a bonus.

30GB video model for 70 bucks! IT's a steal!
I was waiting for the Core 2 Duo chips on the Macbooks. But I am now going to get a iMac. I lived through my whole computing life w/o a notebook, what's another year going to do, right?
NOWWWWWWWW i am just peeeeeeeed off.

its really never released the c2d anddddd the icing on the cake is......

....the "free engraving" on the 30GB iPod using the rebate offer costs £10 more!!!.......sort your stupid website out apple!!!
deepy said:
Also, anyone got any words of warning like "dont buy yet because...." then please shout out.

Don't buy yet because if you buy a macbook now all the computer is going to do is bitch to you that it's not a C2D!
prady16 said:
patience my friend......hold on tight till the end of this month!

Can't do hence the limit. Need macbook intime for uni....uni in just over a week....macbook delivery time about a week.

I just want apple the fix the website so i can get the "free engraving" for free.
deepy said:
Can't do hence the limit. Need macbook intime for uni....uni in just over a week....macbook delivery time about a week.

I just want apple the fix the website so i can get the "free engraving" for free.

Haven't people been complaining about slow shipping times? Like, it says a week to ship but they've been waiting for like 2-3weeks. Or has that all been sorted out?
extraextra said:
Haven't people been complaining about slow shipping times? Like, it says a week to ship but they've been waiting for like 2-3weeks. Or has that all been sorted out?

**** if its 2 or 3 weeks then i'm screwed
deepy said:
Today was the limit that i could wait before purchasing a macbook.

I'm going to do so with the iPod rebate on a 30gb iPod. Is the 30gb iPod the same? ie the one i get with the rebate the same as the one in the normal store still?

Also, anyone got any words of warning like "dont buy yet because...." then please shout out.


(I waited so so long for c2d and here I am ordering a macbook anyway)

i think you should wait until tomorrow @ 12pm eastern time...just sayin'...
i bought mine already(its taking about a week and half to arrive:mad: ). I called apple to see if i can return it when i got it if a new MBP came out. The girl told me that it was definitly possible and they would arrange for a pickup time if neccessary. I hope it does come out cause if it gets here and theres no merom, than im done waiting.
MacBooks are extremely popular and the shipping times are slow.

If you MUST have one soon, you best go to the Apple Store.

Shipping is 5-7 business days = 9 days and then UPS or FedEx takes it from these.

My daughter's MacBook sale confirmed yesterday the 11th
Estimated ship, the 20th
Estimated delivery the 27th.

If you can survive with what you have,
try to hang in there for a processor bump.
deepy said:
I'm going to do so with the iPod rebate on a 30gb iPod. Is the 30gb iPod the same? ie the one i get with the rebate the same as the one in the normal store still?

You can't get the new iPods with the $179 rebate. Only the old ones. So you can't get the new 30gb iPod for a few bucks. It's going to be full price.
I know iPods are cool and all that, but your priority should be to get the best computer you can afford, with the correct amount of RAM and storage, and any software you'll need.
If you're buying a notebook as your primary machine, you really need an external
backup drive too.

If you have ALL THAT together and still have money to burn, then what about
a printer and the printer rebates?

If you aren't bumming money for a lunch a Mickey D's after all this, then
buy a new iPod.
the iPod after rebate is going to be sold to a friend to fund part of the macbook.

they still havent sorted the website (UK education one anyway) so the "free engraving" is still not free!!!!! still cant order!
deepy said:
the iPod after rebate is going to be sold to a friend to fund part of the macbook.

they still havent sorted the website (UK education one anyway) so the "free engraving" is still not free!!!!! still cant order!

Why don't you call them and see if they can handle it over the phone?
wordmunger said:
Why don't you call them and see if they can handle it over the phone?

i'm actually scared they'll get the engraving wrong :|
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