We are only interested in some shows like So You Think You Can Dance? and some CSI shows.
We are only interested in some shows like So You Think You Can Dance? and some CSI shows.
You can watch shows and such via Jaman, you'll have to browse to see if there is anything of interest. You can also watch Hulu via Boxee. Again, you will have to browse to see if there is anything of interest to you.
I doubt Hulu will be free much longer sadly and I have noticed that there is not much in the way of new stuff (full shows) out there especially the ones that he listed. I think that OP thought that he would be able to use it like a cable box.
Well, I figure I will surf the net a bit and find how people are watching their shows for free. Albeit they may not be "live," but a day or two delayed is not biggy. That was what I meant by what is free. I completely understand that it would be rare to find TV streaming live at no charge.
ATV Flash.... Is there Better???? Who are their competitors ?
Try Boxee