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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 7, 2010
the icon next to applications just vanished...
it contained the popup for accessing files and etc ...
in its place is an upright triangle , a line and an inverted triangle as a single symbol...
like, wtf ?
what is going on with this thing ...
this happened with several of the icons when i originally got the machine...
the icon next to applications just vanished...
it contained the popup for accessing files and etc ...
in its place is an upright triangle , a line and an inverted triangle as a single symbol...
like, wtf ?
what is going on with this thing ...
this happened with several of the icons when i originally got the machine...

You can drag and drop and fold on the right side of this little line mate

It will then become one of them handy little pop up things you are on about :)
well.... now applications just vanished as well ...:eek:
hey , maybe the whole dam'd computer will vanish and i can collect the insurance !:rolleyes:
the icon next to applications just vanished...
it contained the popup for accessing files and etc ...
in its place is an upright triangle , a line and an inverted triangle as a single symbol...
like, wtf ?
what is going on with this thing ...
this happened with several of the icons when i originally got the machine...

I don't believe you when I look at your sig!
I don't believe you when I look at your sig!

whaaaaatever lil' dude ...
anyhow , used app install dvd , nothing came back except garageband ...
which i sent to machell asap...
oh , well ... i guess i can access apps thru finder if i have to...
I know aren't you the iMac/OSX hater that's having all kinds of issues but wont talk to Apple?

i don't 'hate' mac , i hate the weird quirks and malfunctions that have become a daily happening with this unit...
i don't 'hate' mac , i hate the weird quirks and malfunctions that have become a daily happening with this unit...

In your other thread I believe you said you live 6 - 8 hours away from an Apple store? How did you purchase yours? Online? BB? It seems like you should arrange for a return, either because your unit is defective, or Mac just ain't for you. Nobody that spends close to $2k on a computer should be dealing with those types of frustrations. I would have returned it lickety-split if I were you.
the icon next to applications just vanished...
it contained the popup for accessing files and etc ...
in its place is an upright triangle , a line and an inverted triangle as a single symbol...
like, wtf ?
what is going on with this thing ...
this happened with several of the icons when i originally got the machine...

Nothing on Macs just vanishes. You must have clicked and dragged it onto the desktop which is the same as deleting the shortcut. Just drag it back. My dad does this all the time.
Nothing on Macs just vanishes. You must have clicked and dragged it onto the desktop which is the same as deleting the shortcut. Just drag it back. My dad does this all the time.

ok , lets say this is the problem , where would/do i drag it back from ?
Go into your applications folder (or any folder for that matter) and drag whatever you want onto your dock.

Here is your visual:

You can drag and drop and fold on the right side of this little line mate

It will then become one of them handy little pop up things you are on about :)
Go into your applications folder (or any folder for that matter) and drag whatever you want onto your dock.

Here is your visual:
oooookay , but when i try to do this it begins to form the puff of smoke that they make when they're dragged off the dock...
it doesn't matter what location in any op i try this from , it wants to go poof!...
believe me when i say if i could return it i would , but its been over 30 days and bestbuy gets real hinkey about it after 14 days...
i'm completely burned out at this point , even if i could return it , what is out there thats any good ?
i hear sony viao getting some good press , but that means w7 with its huge rash of bugs that people are tearing their hair out over...
You really should schedule an hour training session with a Genius. I am certain that would solve all your Mac problems. I think it would be well worth your time, rather than wasting time becoming frustrated with not knowing how things work on your Mac.
You really should schedule an hour training session with a Genius. I am certain that would solve all your Mac problems. I think it would be well worth your time, rather than wasting time becoming frustrated with not knowing how things work on your Mac.
the nearest one is a 6 hr round trip , doesn't seem practical...
the nearest one is a 6 hr round trip , doesn't seem practical...

Open your Applications Folder. Find the application you want to move to the dock, and drag it down to the dock. That's it.

There are hundreds of videos on youtube, let alone that show you how to do things like this.


Also, if you can't figure that out, then just start an application, and when it's running, it will appear in the dock, right click it, click options, click keep in dock.
Open your Applications Folder. Find the application you want to move to the dock, and drag it down to the dock. That's it.

There are hundreds of videos on youtube, let alone that show you how to do things like this.


Also, if you can't figure that out, then just start an application, and when it's running, it will appear in the dock, right click it, click options, click keep in dock.
0k no problem , but the entire applications FOLDER was on the dock and vanished...
i can get to it thru finder , but i would like the entire folder back on the dock as it was...
0k no problem , but the entire applications FOLDER was on the dock and vanished...
i can get to it thru finder , but i would like the entire folder back on the dock as it was...

Just do the following:

1. Click on "Finder" (looks like two little square guys kissing each other, and the left of the Dock)

2. Now, look at the left side of the Finder's window, under "Places," and click on "Applications"

2. In the Applications window (or folder), you will see all the applications you dragged to the desktop and deleted by accident. From this window, drag each of the applications that you lost, to the Dock.

Whenever you drag an application from the Applications folder to the Dock, all you are doing is creating an "alias" of the application. The Applications folder itself does not have to be in the Dock.
0k no problem , but the entire applications FOLDER was on the dock and vanished...
i can get to it thru finder , but i would like the entire folder back on the dock as it was...

So JUST the folder "Applications" is gone from the dock?

well click on your desktop (or the Finder Icon in the dock), open a new Finder Window (Command N), click on your username in the side bar.
You should see a window with a bunch of folders; including the Applications folder. Click on that and drag it into the dock.

0k no problem , but the entire applications FOLDER was on the dock and vanished...
i can get to it thru finder , but i would like the entire folder back on the dock as it was...

The actual Applications folder is inside the Macintosh HD or your Home Folder. For the Macintosh HD Open Finder-go to the Sidebar, up top, under Devices is the Macintosh HD icon or whatever it's named. It resembles an aluminum hard drive icon. Click on it and the Applications folder will be inside, just drag the whole folder to the Dock. Understand that you can only drag Stacks Folders to the Dock on the far right side past the separator. From there you're set. You can right click or Control click on the Applications folder in the Dock and change your view preferences.
Remember, folders and files go on the right of the dotted line, Applications go on the left.
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