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macrumors 65816
Original poster
May 21, 2006
Hey guys, I asked for help several days ago. About a week or so ago, my internet just randomly stopped working. My modem/wireless router (2-in-1 unit) was connected to the family PC. I then connected my Xbox to it (wired) and my Macbook to it (Wirelessly). It had worked fine for two years, and I had no trouble using the Macbook with my network for a couple weeks. One day, nothing would connect to the internet. The modem recognized the computer, the internet, both the PC and my Macbook recognized the internet. However, for some reason, I just couldn't visit any pages or connect to Live. Almost as if SBCs servers were down.

I have SBC Yahoo DSL. I have a 2Wire modem/wireless router. Right now, the modem has power, and recognizes my wireless Macbook (Both lights are green). The third light, the "Broadband Link", however, is amber colored. That means that there is a problem.

Tonight I finally got kinda lucky. While messing with my network settings I set "TCP/IP" to PPP. I connect using PPPoE, and entered my username and password. It says I configure proxies manually, but I haven't messed with those settings. Well, I now have internet on my Macbook! My MB is several rooms away from my router/modem that states there is a problem with my "Broadband Link."

Too bad the PC that connects to it using USB (It's an *old* computer) won't get on the internet. Too bad my Xbox can't connect to Xbox Live. The only thing that seems to connect is my MB, and even still, my modem still *says* there is a problem.

What can I do? What should I do? I tried calling tech support from SBC, but after TWO HOURS, they came to the conclusion the ports on the back of my Dell were bad. I hung up, tried an even older PC (that used to use the same internet) and it didn't work, neither. So, I really don't want to deal with them.

Right now I'm stuck. I don't want to try anything by myself, as I feel like I'm lucky to just get my MB online, I don't want to lose it again. Any and ALL suggestions are GREATLY appreciated.

I'll be back on later tommorrow afternoon after work, so keep ideas rolling in. I'll try to answer any questions when I get back.

Probably a little bit of distraction, what with the keynote and all. ;)

Anyway, I'm assuming you've rebooted your modem? If you connect to the settings page (assuming your router has a web interface), does it tell you it has an assigned IP address or anything?

If you've connected your MB via PPPoE, it seems like the router isn't doing its job. I'd think the router would negotiate via PPPoE to get an IP address, and then would dole out IPs via DHCP to your other computers.

If you can get info on your router status, it might be more helpful.
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