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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Does anyone have either of these camera's? I have a Canon 30D, but I'd like a more portable, have with me always/in the car back up. I had a Canon Powershot S2 IS, that I loved, but recently gave the E18 death error and won't work. Canon will fix it for about the replacement cost...

I tried to talk myself into carrying one of the little/slim Point and shoots. I've bought 2 so far and returned both of them within a week. I like the 12x zoom, I like to have a lot of manual control.

I'm interested in the TZ3 because of it's portability, how does it compare to the FZ8K or even the Canon Powershot S5 IS?

I've read camera reviews online til I'm blue in the face, of course that only makes it harder. dpreview likes the FZ8K better than the Canon Powershot S5 IS. The FZ8K is a lot cheaper as well.

I'm interested in Raw, how many use it versus how valuable. I've ordered Elements 6 and use iPhoto, and Elements 3 or 4 (I forget) for editing.

So, I'm willing to branch out, away from the canon family (30 years of Canon love here) and try somebody new. Whattya know about the Panasonics besides the fact the the noise reduction is universally reviewed as being too strong.

This doesn't necessarily have to become a brand debate either. I'm either going with one of these camera's or back to the S5.

Thanks in advance



macrumors G3
Oct 1, 2005
Colorado Springs, CO
I have a 4MP Panasonic Lumix FZ10 (12x Optical Image Stabilized) and it takes fantastic pictures outdoors. The image stabilizer rules and even makes my Digital Rebel XTi wielding friend jealous. If you're worried about glass, don't be. The Lumix line uses some great optics (Leica). It also offers an excellent optical range of 36-432mm (for the FZ8). It would hard to find such a good deal even with an DSLR. You'll get very wide (distorted) to super tight. And the Macro is equally impressive. I've actually taken shots where the object was touching the lens and was still in focus ... although it was hard to get enough light I'll admit.

That said the true weakness of the FZ10 is indoor photography. I haven't had the opportunity to mess with anything new from the line though and I'd imagine they've fixed the awful noise level in low light by now.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Thanks QuarterSwede,

Has anyone used the FZ8 for sports? I coach many sports, hence the moniker, the S2 IS was fine outdoors, buy miserable for indoor sports. The lag on the flash and the over lighting of the flash were terrible.

The TZ3 has a 10x lens, which I like, I also like the significantly smaller size, how is the programming on it?



macrumors 68000
Nov 16, 2006
New York City
Theres a reason that people spend thousands of dollars on high end lenses to shoot sports inside - because point and shoots don't cut it. In most high school gyms, lighting is abysmal and you don't have any way to use a flash, so a large aperture (f stop) coupled with high ISO is necessary to stop the frame and capture the action.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
I understand about people spending $$$ on lenses and bodies, that's why I've got a 30D and many lenses. I just want something I can carry in my pocket for quick shots or when I don't want to carry the big body 30D.



Dec 29, 2007
I know you said no point and shoots from Canon, but the SD800IS really does take a nice pic, but no manual control, and grainy in high ISO. Canon G9 -- tons of manual control and RAW, bigger sensor and bigger fstop.

For better pics in low light, how about an old Fuji f31d or even f40d?

Last thing I found -- I do burst mode on my SD800. Take about 8-12 pics, and usually 1-2 in the stream are keepers. With point and shoot (any of them!) the shutter lag is so slow, you can rely on single picture timing. Just burst mode a bunch of pics, and you'll get something useable out of the set.


macrumors 68030
Oct 16, 2007
i have the FZ-18k. had it for a couple of months and love it. takes great pictures and is small enough that it isn't a hassle to lug around. i don't have a dslr, but it has a wide array of photo shooting options that you may like because of your own dslr.

John T

macrumors 68020
Mar 18, 2006
I have a Canon 30D, but I'd like a more portable, have with me always/in the car back up.

SNAP! I was in exactly the same position as you. Earlier this year, my trusty Fugi Finepix4700 passed away and I purchased a TZ3.

I didn't want an all singing and dancing P&S - just something with a good lens that I could take anywhere and, subject to its obvious limitations, take good quality photographs.

The flash is not that wonderful - but would anyone expect it to be on a camera this compact?! Its best not to push it beyond ISO 400 when grain can rear its ugly head. The lens is superb and on enlargements up to say A5, results bear comparison with the 30D. I have read comments regarding disappointing image quality but, in my opinion, this is the result of "user error" i.e. not holding the camera steady! My initial "irritation" was the lack of an optical viewfinder (particularly outdoors in bright sunlight) but soon got used to using the large and very clear 3" LCD monitor.

Hope this helps!


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
John T nice vote for the TZ3. I've heard the lens is nice and the zoom is enough. It certainly is smaller than my 30D or the FZ8K. How does it do for Batteries? My S2 IS used 4 AA's and I could get 400-500 shots out of my rechargables. The FZ8K has it's own recharge batteries, I'm not too thrilled about that.



macrumors 6502a
Jun 27, 2005
another vote for the TZ3 absolutely amazing compact camera..

ive came from a Pentax istDS, which obviously being a dSLR, has waaay more functions and usabilty...but for some reason, i find the TZ3 pictures more fun...and certainly easier to use...

the lens is awesome...Leica did a great job on this one..

The zoom is really good...and the speed is pretty decent too.

i wouldnt hesitate to recommend it!


macrumors 6502a
Nov 25, 2005
Denver, CO
John T nice vote for the TZ3. I've heard the lens is nice and the zoom is enough. It certainly is smaller than my 30D or the FZ8K. How does it do for Batteries? My S2 IS used 4 AA's and I could get 400-500 shots out of my rechargables. The FZ8K has it's own recharge batteries, I'm not too thrilled about that.


My 40D arrives tonight but my Fuji finepixS600? that I got in 2003 will be staying in my camera bag. I have a 2GB card I bought just for the Camera as I can shoot video with it and its a spare camera just in case.

For your usage a camera that uses regular batteries seems to be a better option as in a pinch if you werent able to charge your custom battery you can always get AAs at any store. Long term cost vs convenience factor here.

Ultimately yu are going to compromise on at least one if not two features/functions when you make the decision. I am guessing for price vs performance you won't get anything that is quick enough, and RAW probably ends up as nice but not even remotely a requirement.

I guess the two best questions I can ask you are:
1)What size camera will you be able to carry no matter what clothes you wear or where you are going?
a) true pocket size
b) something with a neck strap

At some point the camera will be just too much liek the 30D is and you will still just leave in the car.

2) At what point do you draw the line on portable and just stick with the 30D?
a) cost (value for $)
b) size (once it needs a neck strap etc, is it just a smaller 30D?)
c) function (are you really getting the utility you need)


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
Yes, I just sold most of my old film SLR equipment and got the FZ8K after much researching and mulling over it. It was only $234 at Amazon.

I got it over the weekend and took it out shooting. Here's a couple of pics:

Boy, it's like an SLR!

Nice pics on it!

I'm thinking of getting the D40, but, if after using this for a while suites all my needs, I may skip it!


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Thanks QuarterSwede,

Has anyone used the FZ8 for sports?y

Odd that you'd be asking this when you own a 30D. All P&S cameras have horrible shutter lag. For sports you should be looking at something like a 70-200 f/2.8 to go with the 30D

I'm interested in Raw, how many use it versus how valuable. I've ordered Elements 6 and use iPhoto, and Elements 3 or 4 (I forget) for editing.

So, I'm willing to branch out, away from the canon family (30 years of Canon love here) and try somebody new. Whattya know about the Panasonics besides the fact the the noise reduction is universally reviewed as being too strong.

The above two questions are related. RAW has the same use with a little P&S as with your DSLR. It is just a data dump from the image sensor with no processing. No processing means no noise reduction. So the objection about the camera's NR being to strong goes away if you shoot raw as that NR step will be controled by you using software on your computer

One thing to look at is software. Make certain you choose raw processing software that supports BOTH your new P&S and the Canon 30D. I think you will be looking at Adobe, not Apple for this. But if you really do decide you like Aperture then your choise of cameras is reduced

Another camera to look at is the Canon G9. It has the features you said you wanted, manual control and RAW format. But it also has a slightly larger sansor (less noise) and a hot shoe that will accept your Canon system speedlights. (You did talk about indoor shooting) Take a look at the G9

I'm thinking of getting the D40, but, if after using this for a while suites all my needs, I may skip it!

Those are pictures of static objects that don't move. Shutter lag is a not issue, wait 'till you try to catch something that only lasts a split second or that is moving or changing fast. Also those pics are in sunlight. No noise issures insunlight. try shooting indoors with no flash.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Based on some of the feedback here and other's reviews, I just ordered the TZ3K. I liked the fact that people here said the glass was good, it certainly is smaller than the FZ8K. I believe it will be easier for my wife to use as well. The 3" lcd viewer didn't hurt. Also, I got it for $140 shipped! :cool:

The 30D is my primary sports camera, but I usually take a camera with me wherever I go, so I might be at a game w/o the 30D and have the smaller more portable camera with...

Thanks for everyone's input!



Dec 29, 2007
Based on some of the feedback here and other's reviews, I just ordered the TZ3K. I liked the fact that people here said the glass was good, it certainly is smaller than the FZ8K. I believe it will be easier for my wife to use as well. The 3" lcd viewer didn't hurt. Also, I got it for $140 shipped! :cool:

The 30D is my primary sports camera, but I usually take a camera with me wherever I go, so I might be at a game w/o the 30D and have the smaller more portable camera with...

Thanks for everyone's input!


Where did you get it for $140? At that price, I may get one just for the 10X zoom.


macrumors 6502
Jun 29, 2007
New York
The TZ3 uses a lithium-ion battery. Panasonic claim 200-300 shots per charge but I've never tested this - I usually take these claims with a pinch of salt!

i have a tz3 that i love. keep it in a pocket so i can always have the opportunity to snap a pic without lugging my dslr. battery seems to go pretty far but i haven't done any tests either

the IS is quality too!

movie mode is quality as well-10minutes with a 1gb card


macrumors G3
Dec 31, 2004
"No escape from Reality...”
Those are pictures of static objects that don't move. Shutter lag is a not issue, wait 'till you try to catch something that only lasts a split second or that is moving or changing fast. Also those pics are in sunlight. No noise issures insunlight. try shooting indoors with no flash.

So, if you're saying that cheaper cameras under $250 compared to say $500 DSLR's don't have as many capabilities and features..

I tend to agree...


Dec 29, 2007


Thanks for the reference. I'd like to hear your feedback on how the order went. A quick check flags up cameraaddict as a questionable dealer. I might wait for the amazon price to come down. If you get any hint of questionable dealings from them, you might want to cancel the order quickly. See:


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Be very cautious of


Run, don't walk from this retailer. I called to check on my order, why it hadn't shipped and the C.S. rep says to me "Do you want to buy a battery?" Huh? :confused:

I respond with "Whattya mean, doesn't it come with a battery?" "Well, it does, but it's a demo, only good for about 20 minutes." came the response. "How much is a battery?" I query. "Depends on the battery, 2 hours to 7 hours $49 - $99" Huh?

"Yea, I'm going to cancel my order at this time"

I looked online later and found batteries for this camera for $12.99.

Again, if it sounds to good to be true, it probably is.

So, I'm still looking, but I think I'll stay with the TZ3K when I do buy.

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