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macrumors G3
Original poster
Aug 20, 2003
sitting on your shoulder
Okay, I've been seeing this for a while, but it hasn't really bothered me that much. But it's gotten to the point where I really want to know what the **** is going on with it. Look below the prompt, where you can see through the window and see Process Viewer in the background (I love transparency :D). Notice how there's a "residue" of sorts from top?


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I don't really have an answer to this one, but I know that Terminal has always done this when transparency is enabled. I wish they would fix it though, because it gets really annoying when I am editting files int he terminal and I can see this residue on the screen.
Counterfit said:
Okay, I've been seeing this for a while, but it hasn't really bothered me that much. But it's gotten to the point where I really want to know what the **** is going on with it. Look below the prompt, where you can see through the window and see Process Viewer in the background (I love transparency :D). Notice how there's a "residue" of sorts from top?
Go to Terminal>Window Settings... You will see a dialog box with a pop-up menu at the top. Click on the pop-up menu and choose "Color." At the bottom is the Transparency slider. Drag the slider all the way to the left.
MisterMe said:
Go to Terminal>Window Settings... You will see a dialog box with a pop-up menu at the top. Click on the pop-up menu and choose "Color." At the bottom is the Transparency slider. Drag the slider all the way to the left.
I think you missed the
(I love transparency :D)
I'm not annoyed by it in any way, I'm just wondering why it's there.
Counterfit said:
Okay, I've been seeing this for a while, but it hasn't really bothered me that much. But it's gotten to the point where I really want to know what the **** is going on with it. Look below the prompt, where you can see through the window and see Process Viewer in the background (I love transparency :D). Notice how there's a "residue" of sorts from top?

Why did you bother blurring out your terminal name when we can see it through your transparent window into the activity monitor? Just Wondering?
Counterfit said:

I know you! You're Tom Kane! We wet to high school together!

(no, we didn't. but just think we could have and now people know your name they will track you down. stalk you. post pictures of you in the shower on the internet and feed your dog diuretics!)
melchior said:
I know you! You're Tom Kane! We wet to high school together!

(no, we didn't. but just think we could have and now people know your name they will track you down. stalk you. post pictures of you in the shower on the internet and feed your dog diuretics!)
First off, it's Tomk Ane :p and I don't have a dog :D
I am going to venture a guess here.

I would think the process viewer uses top to get its data and perhaps even displays top information in the process viewer window but the text is the same color as the window background, so you don't really see it. Then when you put a terminal window on top, with transparency, you are exposing the "hidden" text in the activity window???

Think of it sort of like that little red piece of plastic you used to get in cereal boxes and when you held it over what seemed like a bunch of colored dots, you could see the hidden message that told you to buy more cereal.
kingjr3 said:
I am going to venture a guess here.

I would think the process viewer uses top to get its data and perhaps even displays top information in the process viewer window but the text is the same color as the window background, so you don't really see it. Then when you put a terminal window on top, with transparency, you are exposing the "hidden" text in the activity window???
No, because I had run top in that window before I grabbed the screenie, and the window behind is just for contrast, as my desktop was dark at the time.
it's a problem with how terminal actually does the transparency. it doesn't correctly redraw the transparency unless you move the window. try that, the residue should dissapear.

(maybe consider using eterm or rxvt for x11, i think they offer transparency. as for me, i prefer black text on white background.)
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