Sure. As long as you are asking almost for the goods as the Apple refurb store,
New iMac $1,299 free shipping, full warranty
Refurb iPod 60 G color $279, free shipping, full warranty
People simply won't bother to reply.
Plus I don't know where in the world you are valuing a 1 Gb RAM at $600 ?
iMac Plus iPod plus extra 1 Gb RAM to 1.5 total, Trade value $2006.
$2006 - asking price $1400 without, = $606. For one Gig. Yeah. It doesn't matter if you can manipulate the Apple store price to show that. Nobody in their right mind pays that rate for RAM when lifetime guaranteed RAM is available for $ 113 to $160 depending which vendor you like.
Bundling iWork with the machine basically says to anybody who doesn't want iWork --"don't bother bidding on this because you'll be paying $$ for something you don't want"
Your ad has too many options for trade, and the prices are too high.