Do you believe the old AppleTV will have an update for streaming Netflix? It would be perfect... I didn't watch the streaming, I was working. Does anyone know?
Do you believe the old AppleTV will have an update for streaming Netflix? It would be perfect... I didn't watch the streaming, I was working. Does anyone know?
Very unlikely.. hardware is not capable.
Out of curiosity, why do you think that? Based on my experience with Netflix on PS3 and Wii, all it seems to take is an internet connection and the software. The old Apple TV has the connection. Why couldn't they conceivably just upgrade the software?
The folks who have hacked the AppleTV have been trying for years, but haven't been able to make it work.
Because the old version used flash. But now it will have a native version for the AppleTV, meaning no flash. So it might run perfectly.
Netflix is based on Silverlight, it has nothing to do with Flash.
Netflix streaming actually requires a very specialized hardware to do decoding and DRM processing. Old ATV GPU/processor are ancient and don't have the horsepower to do Netflix. If it did - it would have been done years ago by hacking community.
You're not going to see Netflix on the old ATV hardware.