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macrumors member
Original poster
Oct 10, 2009
Did I totally miss this, but I can't find any information on if the Old aTV will be updated to run iOS or will remain as is?

Additionally, will it get the .99 cent TV shows, etc?

Did I totally miss this, but I can't find any information on if the Old aTV will be updated to run iOS or will remain as is?

Additionally, will it get the .99 cent TV shows, etc?

Remain as is. No NetFlix. Not sure about the .99 cent rentals. I would assume that it would get that.
As d21mike said, the old :apple:TV stays as is, and will not be getting further updates. No NetFlix. However, the old :apple:TV will retain the ability to allow purchases instead of rentals; Apple is not getting rid of that just yet. The new :apple:TV only gets rentals; movie and TV show purchases will have to be made via computer, and subsequently streamed to the new :apple:TV after download is complete.
As d21mike said, the old :apple:TV stays as is, and will not be getting further updates.
It may have been announced that the AppleTV will not be getting updated with the new features (like NetFlix), however I don't believe any announcement has been made that the old AppleTV will not get any further updates at all. When you consider that Apple is still selling the old version (albeit under Clearance), they will undoubtedly support it for some time to come. This could easily result in some updates, including (possibly) some of the features of the new AppleTV.

However, those updates will almost certainly not include NetFlix (it's pretty much been proven that the hardware can't do it) or iOS.
Where has it been proven? Obviously, your not familiar with the Boxee hack...

To the best of my knowledge, the hackers have been trying to find a way to run NetFlix on the AppleTV for quite some time, but have not succeeded. It's my understanding that the hardware simply isn't powerful enough.
To the best of my knowledge, the hackers have been trying to find a way to run NetFlix on the AppleTV for quite some time, but have not succeeded. It's my understanding that the hardware simply isn't powerful enough.

I have run the Boxee hack on my AppleTV. A software update removed it, and I have not reapplied it. I think the Boxee hack was having some troubles after the last update (it could be fixed by now, not sure). But, the point is Netflix is completely possible on the original hardware. Especially, if it was embedded in a software update not a HACK on top of the software. Not sure who told you it was not possible. It most certainly is. Although, I am not sure how smoothly the HD downloads play from Netflix. Those were far and few between when I last used it.
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