My old pismo(14.1TFT, 500MHz G3, 256MB, 12GB, 9.2.2) Is slowing down. It is freezing periodically and then coming back to life like 15 seconds later. I know u guys are gonna tell me to upgrade it to X, but I dont use it to much and the only reason im using it now is b/c I had to send my iBook battery in, and I have to use it on my couch. An example of what is wrong is that when im in word and typing, it stops showing what I type in and then when it comes back to life, the words that i typed while it was frozen come in. Also, when it is waking up from sleep the icons take about a minute in total to show up, rather than the 10 seconds it used to take. Is it gonna die or is there something I can do? I dont have any money to spend so it need to be a DIY job, THX!