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Am I being Cray?

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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 17, 2018
So, it seems like that time has come, time to update some gear - specifically my laptop.

Currently using a mid 2013 MacBook Pro (2.9GHz, i7, 8GB) but feels like it's starting to run a little hot. I use Ableton Live (in studio and performance) and the idea of this bad boy farting out on me live has begin to sink in a little.

I don't know a ton about Apple - but seems like everything in my price range would be a downgrade in specs. Sure, the new displays are nicer, but am I going to miss all these ports?! AND the actual disk drive?!

I know some cats that have ran with the same MacBook for I jumping the gun on tried and true or is it time to be in 2018?


macrumors 6502
Apr 9, 2011
Independence, MO
Are you sure it is a 2013 model? A '13 would make it a Retina model that doesn't have the disk drive. If yours has a disk drive it would be a '12 or older, which would be good news. If it is an '11 or '12, or 13" 2010, you can upgrade to 16Gb of ram pretty easy. Also, it takes a standard hard drive so you could throw an SSD in it and have what feels like a whole new machine. A 2.9GHz processor was available on both Retina and non-Retina models so I'm not sure which one you have.
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