TwoPixels.pl has released a fun new app called OldBooth [App Store] that takes photos from your iPhone's camera roll and places them through various masks that can give you an old timey makeover.
The $2.99 app is one of those "just for fun" apps and appears to come with 8 different masks for either men or women.Have you ever wondered what you'd have looked like in another era? How about your friends? Be a lady from 20s or a funky hairy hippie. Now you can turn into in the fastest way ever.
Just choose picture from your library or take new one with iPhone camera. Move, scale or rotate your images. You can also flip the picture and for a perfect result, adjust brightness. Less then minute and you are done. Picture is automatically saved in Camera Roll for further use.
While the developers provide a demo video, we asked them to give us an example with a recognizable person, so here's a sample of what you can do:

Original Image
OldBooth results:

App Store Link: OldBooth, $2.99
Article Link: 'OldBooth' Can Give You (and Steve Jobs) an Old Timey Makeover