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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
36,587 has released a fun new app called OldBooth [App Store] that takes photos from your iPhone's camera roll and places them through various masks that can give you an old timey makeover.
Have you ever wondered what you'd have looked like in another era? How about your friends? Be a lady from 20s or a funky hairy hippie. Now you can turn into in the fastest way ever.

Just choose picture from your library or take new one with iPhone camera. Move, scale or rotate your images. You can also flip the picture and for a perfect result, adjust brightness. Less then minute and you are done. Picture is automatically saved in Camera Roll for further use.
The $2.99 app is one of those "just for fun" apps and appears to come with 8 different masks for either men or women.

While the developers provide a demo video, we asked them to give us an example with a recognizable person, so here's a sample of what you can do:


Original Image

OldBooth results:


App Store Link: OldBooth, $2.99

Article Link: 'OldBooth' Can Give You (and Steve Jobs) an Old Timey Makeover
Are there any apps like this for the Mac, where it's focused on just doing face replacement? Not looking for general purpose apps like Ps, Elements, etc.

I'm thinking of putting together a Christmas gag calendar for family members and it would be funny to put their faces on famous people (Baywatch, Dancing with the Stars, etc.) I'd want something streamlined so I don't have to spend much time working on it but still get good results.
It's a direct copy of a web-app that went viral.

No it's not. The web-app is a yearbook. The iPhone app is a wooden surface with photos sitting on it.

That's not a direct copy.

They accomplish the same task, yes. But do you think Pixelmator should "give credit" to Adobe since it does the same tasks as Photoshop?

Of course not. Different people are allowed to make programs that do similar tasks. They're not allowed to rip-off the WAY it does the task, but that's not the case here at all.
I tried it, I think I just need to take a higher light photo for it to get the best effect, you can clearly see the outline. oh well, not bad for my first try :cool:


  • photo.jpg
    41.5 KB · Views: 265
well ok, i am sensing some sarcasm, don't make me regret posting that weird pic up :p

after trial and error, trying to get the right face for the right photo, i did...ok


  • photo-1.jpg
    44.7 KB · Views: 235
Rip off or not, this is the best £1.79 I've spent in a while. Should get a few laughs at work tomorrow!
Because you're cheap and think all apps should be priced at a ridiculously low $1 or because you are really not interested at all in this app?

and your psychotherapy license to analyze me is where . . . ?

i just don't put any "value" in the app. it's a parlor trick at best. well done, but nothing i'm interested in. sorry if that doesn't fit your narrow view of the world.
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