I have an older Mac Pro (2008) that I took home from work (it was out of Warranty and kept eating hard drives). On the upside, it was replaced with a brandy new one at work. On the downside, it has since eaten two more drives at home. The 1TB TM drive (Slot 3) appears unaffected.
The questions:
1) Is there any issue (or settings change besides clearing NVRam) that would prevent me from putting the boot disk on slot 3 and a TM disk on 4?
2) Has anyone seen this happen before? Any thoughts on what causes it? I can't even pull those (now failed) drives and evaluate them with another machine - they're totally fried
I have an older Mac Pro (2008) that I took home from work (it was out of Warranty and kept eating hard drives). On the upside, it was replaced with a brandy new one at work. On the downside, it has since eaten two more drives at home. The 1TB TM drive (Slot 3) appears unaffected.
The questions:
1) Is there any issue (or settings change besides clearing NVRam) that would prevent me from putting the boot disk on slot 3 and a TM disk on 4?
2) Has anyone seen this happen before? Any thoughts on what causes it? I can't even pull those (now failed) drives and evaluate them with another machine - they're totally fried