Well have had it for about 3-4 Weeks and i HATE it. I miss my old good G4 Powerbook. This computer Wines at me, never wants to wake up from sleep, when i hit key to wake it up it asks for password then goes BACK to sleep. Then battery life SUCKS 2 hours, MOST. It seems like its slow, at times then lighning fast. Like now its fast but other times it takes 6 or more jumps of icon to open imovie, iphoto, and other programs. I wish i would of just kept my old G4 and bought a nice G5 desktop. Wine has just started recently to, it never has done it before a few days ago. What should i do? This laptop will be for school which i will be at school Tuesday/Thursdays ALL day from 8am-930PM so i need it to do homework. I was going to just sell this one probaly can get 2,100 for it upgraded Ram on it to 2GB. Then buy a G4 Laptop 12-15" which costs about 1,200 for 12" on Apple, but their are no 15" right now. Then save up for the Powermac 2.0 GHZ dual core for 1,700 (Plus need screen) So about 2,031 for Desktop and another 1,200 Laptop. Probelm is that i need laptop now, but old ones come with ilife 05 i need 06 and i need a faster computer right now, put need a portible computer. ARG..
Suggestings? thanks
P.S. i wish i would of NEVER bought this damn thing.
Suggestings? thanks
P.S. i wish i would of NEVER bought this damn thing.