I got a small annoyingly weird problem with my 7,1. About half the time - more or less 50% - when I boot up, reboot nMP won't take my password. Highlights the type and shakes. I input it again and it's fine. I'm SUPER careful to do it correctly. Now whenever I have other reasons to put in the password there's never a problem. ONLY on reboot. And yesterday twice the password was not taken at all. I had to reboot to et it to work.
ANY IDEA WHAT THIS PROBLEM IS? I'm using the new wireless keyboard. I've tried it connected and not. No difference. OS? I have updated to 10.15.3. These problems occurred on 10.15.2. I haven't had the opportunity to see it yet on .3.
ANY IDEA WHAT THIS PROBLEM IS? I'm using the new wireless keyboard. I've tried it connected and not. No difference. OS? I have updated to 10.15.3. These problems occurred on 10.15.2. I haven't had the opportunity to see it yet on .3.