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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 9, 2009
Hi all,

I posted a few weeks ago about my initial problems with my first iMac. These included dead pixels and a hard drive failure. After that got repaired, I got the iMac home and my fan was ludicrously noisy so back it went again. They completely replaced the iMac for me this time and touch wood it has been perfect since then. Honestly; no dead pixels, no loud noises, 99% perfect display, etc.

Out of nowhere today, my internet starting going so slow, so I assumed someone in the house was downloading. After finding everyone else's connection speed was fine I starting looking into it more and I have figured it's my computer.

When I first connect to my network it runs fine for about 5 minutes then suddenly it slows right down to unusable speeds, soon becoming unable to load anything, though it still says connected.

I have all the latest updates and have tried several reboots, disconnect and reconnects and all I can think of, being new to Mac's I don't have many ideas of what the problem could be, I know it's probably not as serious as hardware problems so hopefully someone can point me in the right direction to a fix? My problem is that I don't know what to search for because it's not disconnecting, it's not just going slow in general as it's fine for a few minutes, it's not unable to get my point.

:confused: Maybe I should of given Windows 7 a shot before moving to Mac, and that is by no means a dig, it's seriously how I feel after all my issues with what was meant to be one way change.
Could it be a problem with your router?

My router had issues on occasion with my Nintendo DS, once I updated the router firmware it was fine. All other wireless devices worked (well, the DS would kill the wireless, after a reboot it was fine).
Could it be that? Even though it has run solidly on the same router since I got my first iMac a month or 2 ago?
have you tried rebooting your router or Modem? I find that sometimes after a few months a router may need a break, just unplug it, wait 15 seconds and plug it back in.
I have turned the router on and off, I will do it properly tomorrow and disconnect the power to it and see what happens...
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