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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 14, 2015
Hi all,

I have been using a Macbook Pro M1 Pro 16 GB since the end of 2021. Last year, I connected my Macbook Pro to two Studio Displays and started using it that way.

Current OS version is 14.5.

I've been experiencing a strange problem for the last two or three months and I can't find a solution.

When I start typing in a window, the cursor stops (or I can't click anything but I can move the pointer) and when I finish typing, what I wrote appears. Sometimes the trackpad I am using loses connection and stops responding. When it comes back, the screen resizes very slightly.

When I contacted Apple support, they said that the resolutions should be the same, and if they were not, this problem would occur. When they checked the settings, they saw that they were the same (default settings are already applied). As a result, they said that I had to reinstall the system. In short, they don't know the answer either.

Why did this problem start two or three months ago and why does it mostly happen when the sun hits the monitor? I don't know if an update caused this or if they are trying to tell me that the monitor is getting hot (I can't hear any fan noise) and it won't be worth the money.

I don't have this problem when I work with a single monitor. By the way, the lid of my Macbook Pro is always closed.

Sometimes when I unplug the cable and plug it back in it seems to fix it. Then it starts again.

This problem is really starting to bother me.

Is it time to replace the M1 Pro? Or do I need to find them a shadow spot? Or did they just release an update and keep devices from a certain year ago bugging it so they can sell me new ones?

Does anyone have a similar problem or have any suggestions (except reinstalling the system)?

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macrumors 68020
Oct 13, 2021
Have you tried using the built in laptop trackpad/keyboard while both monitors are still connected? You could also try deleting and adding your devices or keep them plugged in to see if it's a bluetooth issue. Lots of things you can try to narrow it down.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 14, 2015
Have you tried using the built in laptop trackpad/keyboard while both monitors are still connected? You could also try deleting and adding your devices or keep them plugged in to see if it's a bluetooth issue. Lots of things you can try to narrow it down.
Sometimes the keyboard and trackpad would lose connection. When I turned off the keyboard, the trackpad would reconnect after a while, and when I turned on the keyboard, the keyboard would connect. To get rid of this problem, I now connect the keyboard via cable. I also contacted to Keychron about this problem, they sent me a new keyboard unit and I replaced it.

BTW, I share the sound between two monitors with a multi-output device. Sometimes the sound also cuts out. I had a similar problem with the AirPod Pro 2 before (it was connected to iPhone), the sound would switch from left to right and then go away. Sometimes it happens with this one too.

But as I mentioned, I haven't had these issues before, it started a couple of months ago.


macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 14, 2015
Apparently I have this problem whenever sunlight hits the back of the screen. It doesn't do anything but make me feel stupid to have this problem after paying so much for these devices. When I call Apple support and say "it happens when sunlight hits it" they have a hard time understanding. As an engineer I have a hard time understanding it too. This problem doesn't happen when the curtains are closed or when it's dark. It only happens when sunlight hits my desk. I've disabled Bluetooth, unplugged and plugged cables, and moved the monitors around, but it doesn't work.
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