decksnap said:The biggest and best ones are Poker Room and Full Tilt Poker. Poker Room runs through your browser, while Full Tilt is a downloadable app.
Mr. Durden said:ive never gotten into playing online much, but play the real thing quite often. It seems to me that playing for money online is a bit dangerous. Can people cheat easier online? Ive heard of people being able to cheat and see your hole cards, or joining with a couple buddies at the same table and talking on the phone with each other while playing and teaming up on the other players. Does this happen very often, or do you guys worry about that?
Id like to play online on occasion, but those potential cheaters are always on my mind. Plus I lean towards the more "social" poker anyways, as I feel like half the game is reading the other players.
divein195hi11ar said:I agree. I would never use real money on the intternet. I dont trust it at all. I just use the playmoney and play for fun just to "practice" so to speak. But your right noting beats live play in a casino. I usually hit AC once a month
d wade said:i used to love best 'looking' app i've seen so far. very cool graphics. not sure if there is a mac version though, i stopped playing online a while ago.
Hector said:just get some friends together every thursday night or whatever and have a poker night, far far better and the money stays between friends.
Hector said:online poker is sad and crap, 90% of players are bots.
just get some friends together every thursday night or whatever and have a poker night, far far better and the money stays between friends.