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The biggest and best ones are Poker Room and Full Tilt Poker. Poker Room runs through your browser, while Full Tilt is a downloadable app.
decksnap said:
The biggest and best ones are Poker Room and Full Tilt Poker. Poker Room runs through your browser, while Full Tilt is a downloadable app.

thanks just downloaded full tilt... kidna looks a bit cartoonish ... but hey better then nothing.
It is cartoonish- Poker Room is more 'typical'. Although Full Tilt is one of the biggest players around- you can scroll through the tables and actually find pros playing and watch them. (They're labeled a different color and have their own custom avatars).
Full tilt is cartoonish but it's the best you'll find (Only one that's native and actually has traffic). I've been told by Party Poker that an download version for Mac could come soon. The Java version of Party still only has play money. :(

See my sig for all the rooms that run on Mac.
Yea, full tilt would best one for mac. I'm still waiting for absolute poker to work on mac.

I personally don't like Full Tilt, it's to cartoonish, and I find it runs slow.
ive never gotten into playing online much, but play the real thing quite often. It seems to me that playing for money online is a bit dangerous. Can people cheat easier online? Ive heard of people being able to cheat and see your hole cards, or joining with a couple buddies at the same table and talking on the phone with each other while playing and teaming up on the other players. Does this happen very often, or do you guys worry about that?

Id like to play online on occasion, but those potential cheaters are always on my mind. Plus I lean towards the more "social" poker anyways, as I feel like half the game is reading the other players.
Mr. Durden said:
ive never gotten into playing online much, but play the real thing quite often. It seems to me that playing for money online is a bit dangerous. Can people cheat easier online? Ive heard of people being able to cheat and see your hole cards, or joining with a couple buddies at the same table and talking on the phone with each other while playing and teaming up on the other players. Does this happen very often, or do you guys worry about that?

Id like to play online on occasion, but those potential cheaters are always on my mind. Plus I lean towards the more "social" poker anyways, as I feel like half the game is reading the other players.

I agree. I would never use real money on the intternet. I dont trust it at all. I just use the playmoney and play for fun just to "practice" so to speak. But your right noting beats live play in a casino. I usually hit AC once a month
divein195hi11ar said:
I agree. I would never use real money on the intternet. I dont trust it at all. I just use the playmoney and play for fun just to "practice" so to speak. But your right noting beats live play in a casino. I usually hit AC once a month

I have been playing for real money on Full Tilt w/ my MAC for quite some time now. I can say that when you first start playing w/ real money, you tend to win. Eventually, you get addicted and you get sucked out on the river too many times & start losing.

I play LIVE also and decided it would be best to shut down my real money online account. It was wayyyyyyy to addicting.
Full Tilt is your best option for Mac - any others just go through your browser and are bastardized java versions.

Used to play a lot on PokerStars on my PC years ago. Made a decent amount of money, cashed out, and never went back. It's much more difficult to make good cash nowadays, not like the "good old days". :cool:
i used to love best 'looking' app i've seen so far. very cool graphics. not sure if there is a mac version though, i stopped playing online a while ago.
d wade said:
i used to love best 'looking' app i've seen so far. very cool graphics. not sure if there is a mac version though, i stopped playing online a while ago.

Nah, as mentioned already, I'm pretty sure the only one with a true version for Mac is Full Tilt. Too bad, really...
I use It's treated me well and I've made about 300 dollars this summer that are going into a new mac;) . I suggest you take it slow and realize that you're probably going to lose in the beginning. I started playing limit and had a bankroll of 100 when I first started and then I went down to 60 and stopped playing for awhile. I started playing no limit poker and have finally found something I'm decent at. Just beware, you'll lose it just as fast as you win it.
online poker is sad and crap, 90% of players are bots.

just get some friends together every thursday night or whatever and have a poker night, far far better and the money stays between friends.
Hector said:
just get some friends together every thursday night or whatever and have a poker night, far far better and the money stays between friends.

Good suggestion, that's what a bunch of us do here all the time. $25 or $50 each person per game, weekly games - it's lots of fun and better than playing online. :cool:
Hector said:
online poker is sad and crap, 90% of players are bots.

just get some friends together every thursday night or whatever and have a poker night, far far better and the money stays between friends.

90 percent of players are bots? Right......

On another note, playing with friends is a lot more fun. I played with all my suitemates in college and it was a lot of fun for a normally boring night (monday night). Just have a couple beers, have rounders playing on the TV, and play poker for a few hours. It's real fun. The bill didnt get passed in the senate.

FullTilt is not the only native Mac poker room. Gamesgrid and Bugsysclub are native. Very low player traffic though. There's a couple others but they suck and have zero traffic.

Someone mentioned wishing Absolute poker would work on the Mac. I've been told that in 6 months they will have a working Java version. We've asked Doyles Room a couple times about a Mac version. Not looking good.

Online poker is extremely addicting so I wouldnt advise playing if you got an addictive personality. :)

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