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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 10, 2005
between flesh and thought
So I was shooting some engagement pics and I was messing around in my menu and mistakenly formated my card with a bunch of realy good shots on it.

The card shows a capacity of 208 (jpeg), and it shows no images on the card. An empty card for me usualy shows a capacity of just over 300. SO I think those files might be chiling somewhere. Is it possible that those files are there even though I formated it? It happended so quickly, much faster then it does to erase a card, so maybe they are sitting there waiting to written over but they do not show up in camera or in finder.

If theres anyway I would super appreciate it.

I am pretty sure I learned some kind of lesson today.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 10, 2005
between flesh and thought
Holy God Thank You!

It works. And Well worth the 12 bucks,

Only now I realized that my ISO settings were off durring the shoot, (I wondered why the light picked up so well in camera).

So still an OOPS.
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