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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008
Arizona, USA
Hello Forum,

When I right-click a folder on my computer the context menu gives me the option to open the folder in a new window. That is exactly how I want it, and in some previous macOS version it was possible to set it like this in the General section of System Preferences.

Today I was working on another computer (with macOS 10.12 Sierra) where the context menu only offered me the possibility to open folders in a new tab - and there was no option in System Preferences - General to change this to "New Window."

Back at my own computer I see that also here System Preferences - General has no option anymore to have folders open in new windows or tab (which means that I also don't have the possibility to change back to tabs instead of new windows on my computer).

Where is the option to set this now?

Thanks - desertman

(Just as a precaution: The "Prefer tabs when opening documents" in the Dock preferences does not change the Finder windows behavior.)
Well, it's not even necessary to do it like this. You can simply drag the tab out of the window and it becomes a window itself.

However, that is not what I'd like to do - I'd like to know how to change the right-click default from "New Tab" to "New Window" and vice versa.
If you hold down the Option key after you right click, the entry changes from New Tab to New Window.

But it is all moot: The setting you want is in Finder/Preferences/General. Uncheck the box that says Open folders in tabs instead of new windows.

Pressing the Option key after a right-click to get to the New Tab or New Window option is already much better than before. Thanks!

And yes, to know how to change this in general would be great.
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