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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 21, 2004
I'm thinking of updating the OS on my mac from the OS X it came with. Can someone tell me what the most up-to-date is please? is this a good time?
And what's Tiger?
shanner said:
I'm thinking of updating the OS on my mac from the OS X it came with. Can someone tell me what the most up-to-date is please? is this a good time?
And what's Tiger?
Hi shanner -

The latest (released) version of Mac OS X is 10.3.4. If you have 10.3 (Panther) installed already, you can get the update from Software Update (look in System Preferences for an item called Software Update) or from Apple's download servers (using Software Update is recommended both by Apple and by me). If you're using 10.2 (Jaguar), you can get the 10.2.8 update from the same places. The same holds true for versions of Mac OS X before 10.2 (such as 10.1 and 10.0).

Tiger is the name for Mac OS X 10.4, a future release of Mac OS X coming in the first half of 2005 (according to Apple).
If you're just updating "for the hell of it" you may want to wait until Tiger comes out. That is, if there is no real need to get Panther now. What OS do you have now?
I have just the basic OS X which was there when i got the mac a couple of years ago, but unfortunately I have to run in 9 point something something because of the internet connection I have, which is a ****.
Maybe I'll wait for Tiger.
Thanks for the advice.
That's odd, ****s should be compatible with OS X and should even be easier to configure. What exact problem are you having, what connection, and what .x version of OS X do you have? A couple years ago would probably be 10.2, but could be 10.1. It might matter. Anyway, maybe we can get your **** working in OS X.
shanner said:
I have just the basic OS X which was there when i got the mac a couple of years ago, but unfortunately I have to run in 9 point something something because of the internet connection I have, which is a ****.
Maybe I'll wait for Tiger.
Thanks for the advice.

Hey Shanner,

Click on the little blue apple in the Finder then click on "About this Mac" from the pull-down Menu and tell us whachagot!!! :rolleyes:

What the hell's a "****" :confused: other than the obvious??
oldfart said:
What the hell's a "****" :confused: other than the obvious??

I think it IS the obvious - it's picky. However, usually (but not always) it's a configuration problem at the user's end (no offence) rather than something at the ISP.
Hi guys. I'm glad someone brought this up because I'm trying to do the same thing. I've had some confusion as some people have told me an update from 10.2.8 to 10.3 is a retail update and must be payed for. Others have told me that the update is free. Could anyone give me some advice and even more importantly some links. I've scoured the website for an update from 10.2.8 to 10.3 and can't find one.

Mycophiles said:
Hi guys. I'm glad someone brought this up because I'm trying to do the same thing. I've had some confusion as some people have told me an update from 10.2.8 to 10.3 is a retail update and must be payed for. Others have told me that the update is free. Could anyone give me some advice and even more importantly some links. I've scoured the website for an update from 10.2.8 to 10.3 and can't find one.

There isn't one :mad: it's a RETAIL purchase. :(
You have Jaguar: it has an updater to 10.2.8. After that it's Panther, or 10.3.x? with updates to, 10.3.4 (could be wrong about that one:eek:)
Peruse the Apple Site: click on the OS X tab...lotsa interesing stuff going on there ;)

...or run system updater from the System Preferences Pane. Might want a DSL/Cable connection for that stuff. :rolleyes:
oldfart said:
There isn't one :mad: it's a RETAIL purchase. :(
You have Jaguar: it has an updater to 10.2.8. After that it's Panther, or 10.3.x? with updates to, 10.3.4 (could be wrong about that one:eek:)
Peruse the Apple Site: click on the OS X tab...lotsa interesing stuff going on there ;)

...or run system updater from the System Preferences Pane. Might want a DSL/Cable connection for that stuff. :rolleyes:

Yea, I have all the updates. Thanks for the reply. Just seems that all the programs I want only run on 10.3 and I have to scour the net for a similar proggy for 10.2.8.
Still there?

Yo, shanner, you still out there?

What Mac do you have? What are the specs, and when you do "About this Mac.." in OS X what version (10.?.?) does it say in the box?

And, just curious, what ISP do you use? I'm not aware of any internet connection - broadband or otherwise - that's incompatible with OS X... if anything, X is more network aware than 9 ever was.

Get back to us! I'm itchin' to troubleshoot!

:D -rand()
Mycophiles said:
Yea, I have all the updates. Thanks for the reply. Just seems that all the programs I want only run on 10.3 and I have to scour the net for a similar proggy for 10.2.8.
Just what might "all the programs I want" be? Certain new Apple apps maybe 10.3-exclusive. However, most MacOS X apps work fine in 10.1 or 10.2.
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