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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 27, 2013
Canada is my city
Again, not sure if I should do this topic or not.

So, I've been using OS X Yosemite for four months maybe? Pretty much since it was released. I have installed a beta previously on an additional partition on my hard drive. It was decent. I didn't like the design, but I knew that there was a dark mode coming eventually, and it looked cool, so I decided to wait until the release and install it on my main machine.

It was full of bugs. There are those annoying tiny bugs, like the full screen issue with Chrome that I have. These are acceptable, but then I get another bug, when Yosemite suicides and freezes every single time you try to do something with the system. (see my other topic) It happened TWICE in a week, which forces me to do a TM restore and wait for like 10 hours. It's too stressing and wastes an entire day since all my work is on my main computer.

Then, there's the design. Check the sticked topic about why it looks horrible. First post is my opinion. Everything is SO ugly, out of contrast, blurred, extremely deep colours, the menu bar looks like S, and overall, it's UGLY.

After some considerate thinking, due to that bug mentioned, I decided that I will downgrade to Mavericks. This is what I'm doing right now, works so far.

What do you think about Yosemite and its design/problems?
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I actually quite like Yosemite.

The only bug I've personally run into on either of my Macs (2011 27" iMac & 2014 15" MBP) is when I connect my Cintiq and Messages is the active app on the Mac screen, I'll see stroke lag in Photoshop when someone is typing a message.

Not sure what the Chrome fullscreen bug is, as I've not experienced any issues with the Chrome browser.

I've not had problems with Yosemite randomly "suiciding" either, my iMac runs 24/7 without a hitch and the last time it shut off was due to the power failing, thanks to the recent blizzard. I did have some extended beach balling on my old 2010 13" MBP, but that seemed to be related to its failing hard drive. Now that Mac has an SSD and my grandmother is using it without a hitch.

As to the aesthetics, to each their own. I prefer the more flat and saturated look over the artificial gloss/raised icons of the past. I've also never been a fan of skeuomorphism, so getting rid of things like the fake leather and wood grain is a nice improvement, to me.

The only "blurred" stuff I've seen is things not designed/updated for retina (case in point, more than a few buttons here on MacRumors tend to look blurred).

I see posts here about how horrible Yosemite is, and sometimes I wish I had the problems other people seem to have, (I blame that 12 year old who hated to be left out, that's still living in my subconscious) because I just don't seem to ever find those problems.
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