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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 10, 2009
Hi there

I know these sorts of threads can be irritating but just needed a little bit of help on this matter.

I've been wanting to buy an iMac for a while now, but have been waiting for these alleged upgrades that seem to be just out of reach every week.

So im wondering if i buy one of the high end iMac ie. 24inch, 512mb nvdia geforce 8800, 4gb memory. Will I regret it.

Im currently planning to use it for logic pro, ilife, iwork. Maybe bootcamp with some games. And usual itunes etc

Just wondering for your guys opinion on the matter

Thank you

hahah when you put it like that just makes me want the newer specs more

ill have to have a think on this one

thanks for the help :)
WAIIIIT! Then you can partake in all the crazy, ridiculous speculation with zero grounding in fact from magical 'anonymous sources' who have never been wrong before, except for that time when they were wrong, that drives us all crazy.

I'm sitting in a pool of my own saliva now, just thinking of the possibility of an announcement on January 27th. I don't even care about new machines, new specs or any of that crap anymore. I just want an announcement. Something. Anything. I'll be happy then. Until the next announcement.
The machine you describe will likely do what you want and continue to meet your needs for years - maybe as many as 4-5 or more. It will hardly matter to you in a few years that you could have waited 6 weeks and gotten Mac that is 15% faster. Wheras you could get the iMac now and have a lot of fun starting about 5 minutes after you get home with it. That's just how I look at it, anyways. Computer speed is overrated for home use and started to become obslete about 4 years ago when intel canceled the 4 ghz p4.
My advise would be told hold off until late January when iLife 09 will be shipping with them - if they don't update them before then, you might as well go ahead and but then because at least it won't feel like you waited for nothing and it's probably unlikely they'll start shipping machines with new software on if they're going to discontinue said machines a few weeks later.
My advise would be told hold off until late January when iLife 09 will be shipping with them - if they don't update them before then, you might as well go ahead and but then because at least it won't feel like you waited for nothing and it's probably unlikely they'll start shipping machines with new software on if they're going to discontinue said machines a few weeks later.

Thats a good point. Would seem a little backwards to ship new software bundled with old iMacs if a update is imminent. Well ill hold on till then because at the very least its guaranteed to have iLife 09 with them.

Thanks for your help guys

Ill wait to the end of jan, if no upgrades ill get one anyways. The general opinion is that I wont regret it because it will be just perfect for what I do :D
My advise would be told hold off until late January when iLife 09 will be shipping with them - if they don't update them before then, you might as well go ahead and but then because at least it won't feel like you waited for nothing and it's probably unlikely they'll start shipping machines with new software on if they're going to discontinue said machines a few weeks later.

Isn't it only ~$10 to upgrade to iLife '09 if you purchased after Jan. 6th? I think I'd jump on it now and pay $10 later, IMO!!

But then again, i've been holding off on buying the 24" for 36 days and counting :mad:
I would wait for the iMac's. We know they are coming soon. Could be weeks or a month or two...either way, you will get more for your money. Only buy if it is absolutely necessary.

The speed differences will be negligible, but the NVIDIA Video Card, LED screed, and Display Port will be nice to have.
it's just a waiting game. all i can do is reiterate what has been said a million times in these purchase opinion threads: if you don't need it now, you can afford to wait. If you need it now, get it now. The current lineup are amazing systems, and they will last you just as long as the one you wait for would, minus a few months. even then you can squeeze life out of a mac for a long time.
I'm holding out for the new iMacs not because of the specs of the current one not being good enough, but because of the screen. Compare side by side the current 24" iMac to the 24" LED Cinema Display and you'll see why. Of course it would be great if the new high end has a Core Quad, but the display is why I'll wait.
It's a Tuesday and Apple once did an update on the last Tuesday of January, so there is a possibility of an update on the last Tuesday of this January.

See? Isn't this fun?! ;)

Oh, right. Of course. Haha.

To the OP, buy it now if you want it. With what you are planning to use the machine for, you are unlikely to notice any difference between the current high-end machine and anything they release in a couple of weeks. If you were going to be into heavy video editing, that'd be one thing, but Logic Pro, iWork/iLife and email...I'm not sure I would notice the difference between the 3.06GHz and my 2.4GHz. If you're just dying to wait, go ahead and wait. But be prepared to be disappointed when you: A) have to wait longer than you'd hoped to and B) the new iMac doesn't wow you any more than the current ones do.
I'm holding out for the new iMacs not because of the specs of the current one not being good enough, but because of the screen. Compare side by side the current 24" iMac to the 24" LED Cinema Display and you'll see why. Of course it would be great if the new high end has a Core Quad, but the display is why I'll wait.

Apple won. I gave in and bought a 3.06 today. I couldn't stand using my MacBook as my main even one more day. If Apple happens to release the new iMacs on the 27th, which is the last day I'll be able to return this one, and if the update is worth it, I'll take the $200 hit and exchange. If it doesn't come until next month, oh well. At least I've got a system good enough to last me for a while.
Im sorta in the same situation, If i were you I'd wait, thats exactly what I'm doing, although I am not buying the 24" far too expensive for me. But thats exactly why im waiting i'd like to get the best i can for the money im spending.. so hopefully we'll see some upgrades later this month.
As much as most of us who are waiting hate it, I'll be the first to admit that the speculation is fun and when it finally gets released, the happiness and relief will be unexplainable. Sad? Maybe. Now join us.
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