Howdy All,
Just being a tad cheeky, but I was wondering if some of you would kindly take a look at my just renovated picture hosting site and blog site? There are no articles up on the blog site yet, that's the easy part to insert. I've just been wrapping my head around using WordPress over the last couple of days to create my blog site from scratch and just completed it, to a point.
What I'm after is feedback on design, ease of use, any problems that may potentially arise on various devices to view it, etc...
Picture hosting site: Plays With Light
Blog site: Alex Plays With Light
My end goal is to have everything appearing on the blog along with a dedicated store for a selection of my images being there also, with that having the playswithlight address and the alexplayswithlight address will then point to the smugmug storage of the images only. If that makes sense?
Thanks in advance,
Just being a tad cheeky, but I was wondering if some of you would kindly take a look at my just renovated picture hosting site and blog site? There are no articles up on the blog site yet, that's the easy part to insert. I've just been wrapping my head around using WordPress over the last couple of days to create my blog site from scratch and just completed it, to a point.
What I'm after is feedback on design, ease of use, any problems that may potentially arise on various devices to view it, etc...
Picture hosting site: Plays With Light
Blog site: Alex Plays With Light
My end goal is to have everything appearing on the blog along with a dedicated store for a selection of my images being there also, with that having the playswithlight address and the alexplayswithlight address will then point to the smugmug storage of the images only. If that makes sense?
Thanks in advance,