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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 18, 2008
Ashtabula, OH
hey guys, i have a credit card for best buy and i plan on using it for a new imac but im not sure once a new imac is released how long it will be before they carry it in the store? ive never personally dealt with them before and i plan on buying as soon as they release, not 2 weeks later.
Sounds like you know what you want so I dn't think it is any diiferent than going to an apple store. Pick it up, go home and enjoy monthly payments.
Apple always stocks its stores with new products before it supplies its resellers. Sometimes it does take literally a week or two after the Apple stores get something before places like and Best Buy get stock.
If you are a member of the Reward Zone Program at Best Buy you can also get back $5 for every $250 you spend. Also, purchasing it from Best Buy you could still buy Apple Care from Apple within the first year of ownership. Best Buy does have Black Tie Protection that has accidental damage that Apple Care does not. Just a couple more things to think about.
If you are a member of the Reward Zone Program at Best Buy you can also get back $5 for every $250 you spend. Also, purchasing it from Best Buy you could still buy Apple Care from Apple within the first year of ownership. Best Buy does have Black Tie Protection that has accidental damage that Apple Care does not. Just a couple more things to think about.

thanks alot :) i'll have to ask about those offers when i go to checkout.
Sounds like you know what you want so I dn't think it is any diiferent than going to an apple store. Pick it up, go home and enjoy monthly payments.

Who said he'll do monthly payments? Best Buy has deals a lot with 0% interest for 6 months to a year.
from what i read its supposed to be 0% interest for 18 months and the only thing i HAVE to pay monthly is like 2% of the total price. im doing 600 credit, 600 cash. for the 2.4 or whatever the new specs are.
from what i read its supposed to be 0% interest for 18 months and the only thing i HAVE to pay monthly is like 2% of the total price. im doing 600 credit, 600 cash. for the 2.4 or whatever the new specs are.

Just be careful of the fine print. I have heard many people having to pay a some kind of "insurance" with BB at the end of paying something big like that off.
yeah, im debating paying it off either in a couple weeks or a few months, no more than 3. i technically will have the money tomorrow i believe.
Make sure to do the Reward Zone thing. My dad got that just after buying a $2,500 TV years back. Top reason I'll buy my iPhone 3G from Best Buy -- aside from the 5 minutes vs. 30 minutes on the trip compared to The Apple Store.
Make sure to do the Reward Zone thing. My dad got that just after buying a $2,500 TV years back. Top reason I'll buy my iPhone 3G from Best Buy -- aside from the 5 minutes vs. 30 minutes on the trip compared to The Apple Store.

I bought my current BlackBerry from them, since they where giving it away for free with new contract. Very good deal. But IDK why, I am consider the iPhone now, when ever they release it, I may pay the $175 early cancellation fee. Maybe worth it.
Just be careful of the fine print. I have heard many people having to pay a some kind of "insurance" with BB at the end of paying something big like that off.

Yep, true. It happened to me. Their credit card company is Household Finance (google them for their scams).

We bought a computer and signed up for the card. We had something like 1 year of no interest and they said there were no fees. But like dummies we did not read all the fine print. When we went to pay it off a couple months later we got socked with extra charges for early payment. They are crooks, IMO.
Yep, true. It happened to me. Their credit card company is Household Finance (google them for their scams).

We bought a computer and signed up for the card. We had something like 1 year of no interest and they said there were no fees. But like dummies we did not read all the fine print. When we went to pay it off a couple months later we got socked with extra charges for early payment. They are crooks, IMO.
When was this because Best Buy has never charged a fee for early payment as far as I can remember.
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