The original optical drive on my 2008 mac pro bit the dust and I have to get a new one.
Can anyone please advise?
Can I use a blueray drive and burn disks from idvd or dvd studio pro and also copy files and media for storage on dvds or blueray disks?
Or can I only get a dvd drive?
How does it work with the mac pro drive door?
Am I limited to some particular drives in a mac pro or can any optical drive be made to work in the mac pro optical bay?
Thanks for any advice.
Can anyone please advise?
Can I use a blueray drive and burn disks from idvd or dvd studio pro and also copy files and media for storage on dvds or blueray disks?
Or can I only get a dvd drive?
How does it work with the mac pro drive door?
Am I limited to some particular drives in a mac pro or can any optical drive be made to work in the mac pro optical bay?
Thanks for any advice.