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Here's a quote from MacCentral's coverage:

"Introduces Mike Rocha, senior vice president, Platform Tech, Oracle: Oracle 9i on OS X -- we very excited about this hardware. Oracle is about low-cost clustering . Future releases will be on-time, synchronous. When we use UNIX native support, native APIs, optimized for this hardware, we can synchronize our releases so that our customers can have unified database versions across different hardware platforms. "

It's a huge thing, Oracle coming to OS X.

I have absolutely no idea about servers and there software... it certainly sounds most impressive though...... particularly the specs for 42 of the things in a stack...... :D ;) :p

Hey..... you live in Mill Valley....... v.Nice..... ;)
Thanks -
Looking firther I found this post/reply on Maccentral:
"Introduces Mike Rocha, senior vice president, Platform Tech, Oracle: Oracle 9i on OS X -- we very excited about this hardware. Oracle is about low-cost clustering. Future releases will be on-time, synchronous. When we use UNIX native support, native APIs, optimized for this hardware, we can synchronize our releases so that our customers can have unified database versions across different hardware platforms."

Is this Oracle 9i client or server? If it's server, shouldn't this be front page, headline news? Oracle 9i on xServe should be on Apple's homepage. This is even bigger than xServe itself. Why isn't anyone commenting on this? If this is in fact server not client, this is HUGE!!

Am I wrong?

I agree - having worked for Oracle if they were intending to release the DB server for OSX it would be a big deal - and at least a mention on their site.
Searches for OSX turn up nothing on Oracle's site.
Searches for Macintosh turn up 2000 press announcements - nothing more.

I would love to see Oracle and DB2 ported to OSX - it would remove the last needs for PCs at my company and at home.

Well,, OK, I would still need a PC for Quickbooks and VisualAge for Java (both required at work)
woah, locals! I live in Ross, CA (the tiny town next to San Anselmo)

i had the impression that Oracle 9i was some sort of client...
Oracle 9i

There is a reference to Oracle on OS X here...

I believe this suggests that the database server is going to be made available for OS X.

In theory it shouldn't be difficulty to port, especially considering that it already runs on a number of Unix flavours. Remember when Oracle made a huge fuss about releasing 8i for Linux... I'm sure I read somewhere that it actually only took them a day to re-compile the SCO version...
I was talking to a tech guy at Oracle today about a problem we are having. I asked him about Oracle server on OS X and he said definitely. He did not know the timeframe. (Knowing the Oracle tech department, it will probably be released tomorrow).

WOOHOO.... we can finally look at having our whole office working on mac instead of promoting Apple and having a Windows server
This is big news. Period.

Finally having Oracle onboard goes a long way towards validating OS X as a "real" enterprise class server OS.
When I was working at oracle I was talking to ST guys (Server TEch) .
They sdaid the database is written in pure, ANSI C - so it only takes days to do a port.
Said they ported from uinx to NT over a weekend.
The linux port should be easy to make go on OSX.

Now we need DB2, WebSphere, WebLogic on OSX.

I have been able to make JDeveloper run on OSX - though I don;t use the Aqua interface - too slow...
Anybody have anything new to add to this? I read the small snippet on Apple a few weeks back, but nothing new. I would love to decomission my Linux server, the only thing that keeps it alive is that it runs my development Oracle instance.
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