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macrumors Pentium
Original poster
Jan 28, 2009
Quebec, Canada

Anyone still clinging to Oracle to "save them" from Android really needs to realise this case is heading straight to a brick wall.

The latest is that after telling Oracle their damage appraisal was completely bogus last year, now the Judge is refusing to set a trial date until Oracle comes up with a better method of calculating damages, something they have failed to do twice now.

Poor Florian, he's going to have a hard time spinning this one around.
Correct me if I'm wrong. This latest "setback" is more to do with how Oracle needs to compute the damages and less to do with the quality of the case.

They may still have have an air tight, slam dunk case against google, they have just been computing the damages in a way that the judge objects too.
Correct me if I'm wrong. This latest "setback" is more to do with how Oracle needs to compute the damages and less to do with the quality of the case.

They may still have have an air tight, slam dunk case against google, they have just been computing the damages in a way that the judge objects too.

Well, the problem with the computation is that their damage awards were too high. The Judge is looking for something into the "100 million" range, while Oracle is asking for something in the "over 1 billion range".

Next, other stories have already gutted the claims, down from 128 to 3. So really, this is just another setback Oracle is facing. And Google still hasn't been found in infringement of anything yet. There's still the issue of Jonathan Schwartz's public outing while being CEO of Sun about how great it was Google was using the Java language for Android if not the stack and the fact that Google is using Apache Harmony, not the Sun frameworks for their J2SE implementation.

Really, if you follow this case outside of Florian's FUD, you can see where this is all headed.

And read the article, the Judge is basically saying here that Oracle is set to forfeit everything if they don't come up with proper damage calculations for their case.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 4.0.3; en-us; Xoom Build/IML77) AppleWebKit/534.30 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/534.30)

I am not a legal expert in any way but is there any logical reason Oracle have not been listening to Judge William Alsup so far? It also seems odd that Oracle want to rush this to trial asap but they're not helping their case by using tactics like this too.
I am not a legal expert in any way but is there any logical reason Oracle have not been listening to Judge William Alsup so far? It also seems odd that Oracle want to rush this to trial asap but they're not helping their case by using tactics like this too.

Since the judge hasn't been quite favorable to their case, they are probably pushing for a summary judgement so they can fast pace this to the 9th district court for an appeal.
OK, now I'm completely confused at what Oracle are trying to achieve...

Lawsuit aside, I've been struggling to see what Oracle has been trying to achieve with their product line too. We are an entirely Oracle shop, and by sticking with one vendor, all it has caused us is more work and headaches.

So, back on topic, I can totally see Oracle confusing everyone outside of their products as well.
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