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macrumors member
Original poster
Jan 9, 2011
I've got a number of mail accounts I use Mac Mail to access via IMAP. Before Catalina, I was able to change the order they were in under Inbox so they'd be in the same place in order of use for me:

Mailbox One
Mailbox Two
Mailbox Three

Well since I've updated they seem to get scrambled randomly. I thought it was order shown in "Internet Accounts" at first but that doesn't seem to be the case. I have no idea what causes the scramble nor how to fix it.

I can drag and drop the accounts back to where they belong but then if I quit mail, or log off, then bring it back up they're in whatever order Mail wants them to be in.

Help? How can I keep them in the order I prefer?

Not on Catalina here but when you say, "I can drag and drop the accounts back to where they belong" do you mean drag the name (description) of the account above or below the other account(s) in the mailboxes list on the left-hand side of the main Mail window? I can do that and it definitely survives a quit and restart of Mail.
Not on Catalina here but when you say, "I can drag and drop the accounts back to where they belong" do you mean drag the name (description) of the account above or below the other account(s) in the mailboxes list on the left-hand side of the main Mail window? I can do that and it definitely survives a quit and restart of Mail.

Yes. Before Catalina I could do that and they would stay put. Now they may or may not and sooner or later they'll switch around on me.
The constant randomization of my macOS Mail accounts list is one of my two* biggest issues with Catalina. It's been present since (at least) the first public release. We're now on 10.15.5 and without this bug being fixed.

The issue seems limited to certain account types. My 10+ gmail accounts are constantly rearranging themselves. iCloud accounts are not affected, though they get moved to the top of the list as gmail inboxes shuffle to the bottom. I only have one IMAP account but it seems to stay in place (relative to the iCloud inboxes).

The exact timing is extremely difficult to pinpoint. Inboxes reorganize themselves at random times while the Mail app is open. I'm not sure if it occurs while my Mac is asleep or awake. Closing and immediately re-opening Mail does not change the order. Testing is time-intensive to say the least.

I've submitted multiple bug reports with no response.

*The other is a lack of AirPlay 2 support
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