Wish me luck, should have it by the end of next week. Next up: waterproof camera and hd camcorder and then I'm good for, oh, lets say, two years.
Good luck, I'm shipping mine back today. Thought they would have fixed this by now but evidently not.
Don't let this poster ruin the excitement of your new purchase...
I got my 27 back in February and it has been flawless!
I also received a bad unit - but Apple was more than willing to exchange, so I packaged it back up, took it to FedEx, and within a couple days I had another unit sitting on my desk.
It is truly an amazing machine. I have had several people ask me where the computer is that goes with the monitor on my desk.
Blueeggs... Can you divulge the new part number for the improved screen, please? Then other recipients of the same part can confirm one way or the other if these are consistently good. Thanks.
It also has a Western Digital HD instead of the seagate.
I am in the process of sending my week 15 back, they agreed to let me keep this one until the new one arrives. How do I check what make HD I have and where it was made?
It really is, I myself hated to give it up! But Apple wouldn't get another one to me for another 2 weeks so thats one of the reason I gave up.
I can't express how beautiful and powerful it really is.
Just click on the apple then "about this mac" then click get more info. click on s-ata and it will list the model number of the drive. Western Digital will start with WDC. Mine was also made in china. The drive is very quite also.