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macrumors 6502
Original poster
May 3, 2004
Yeah.2.0 aluminum.I have a 2.16 white imac with a perfect screen.Bad idea? I really like the aluminum design.Yes thats a dumb reason to purchase one when i have the white version but i did it.:eek:
This is a strange thread but yes you will regret it when there's so much else to spend your money on (gas).
I have the same white iMac as you and love it. Can't comment on the aluminum one, as I haven't used one or seen one in person, but I don't think the design of something is a dumb reason for buying it.
I am at the other end of the spectrum in that I generally use my Macs until they fall apart or I need features that a new Mac would provide. Of course design is not one of the features.

Personally, while I like the new aluminum/black iMacs, I still like the plastic/white ones and would not purchase strictly for the looks. Also, the new ones only have glossy displays which is a no go for me. I much prefer matte displays.
Was it really worth to spend $1,200 just for looks.....?

I think not!

I did not buy it just for the looks alone.It has 1066mhz front side bus a bit faster than my white imac.It's a refurb so i paid less than $1,200 .So i guess in a nutshell its a bad purchase? lol.Hi sushi are you paper sushi or is that someone else?
I did not buy it just for the looks alone.It has 1066mhz front side bus a bit faster than my white imac.It's a refurb so i paid less than $1,200 .So i guess in a nutshell its a bad purchase? lol.Hi sushi are you paper sushi or is that someone else?

Why would it be a bad purchase? Obviously you wanted it, so you bought it, enjoy it. And if you want to break close to even on it, sell your "old" one to make back some of your money.
Why would it be a bad purchase? Obviously you wanted it, so you bought it, enjoy it. And if you want to break close to even on it, sell your "old" one to make back some of your money.

Thank you Mr Henry that made me feel better.Thats is the plan.Yes i did want it.I can always send it back.
I actually like the White ones better than the new ones.

So, Can I have your old one? ;)
The truth is since your old imac works perfectly it was only a bad purchase if you can't afford it.
When I bought my iMac my old pc was working as perfectly as it could be expected to. So I would only allow myself to buy this when I could could afford it without going into debt. So I had to save for around 9 months for it.
Basically if you can afford it forget the buyer remorse it's a great machine.
Yeah.2.0 aluminum.I have a 2.16 white imac with a perfect screen.Bad idea? I really like the aluminum design.Yes thats a dumb reason to purchase one when i have the white version but i did it.:eek:

I did not buy it just for the looks alone.It has 1066mhz front side bus a bit faster than my white imac.It's a refurb so i paid less than $1,200 .So i guess in a nutshell its a bad purchase? lol.Hi sushi are you paper sushi or is that someone else?

Getting a slower machine just for the looks? Hmm... Yes, its slower - slower CPU and GPU. And no, the FSB on 2.0 GHz Alu is NOT 1066 MHz, just 800 MHz.

But, its your money, so who I am to judge your purchase...
The resale value of those things are great, so you won't loose too much money if you eventually decide to sell one of them off.

And it seems like you have enough money to spend, so the remorse isn't likely to kick in as soon, if it ever does. Enjoy is all I can say, wish my bank account looked a little more like yours at the moment! =D
Where are you from? Is there a 'cooling off' law in your country? In which case you can just send it back. Or give it to me :)
Where are you from? Is there a 'cooling off' law in your country? In which case you can just send it back. Or give it to me :)

LOL.Im American Can't you tell? I doubt it's slower than the white but anyways thanks guys for you replys.Enjoy the rest of your weekend:) Wow where the heck did i get 1066mhz front side.Thanks for correcting me.
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