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macrumors newbie
Original poster
May 8, 2006
Waterdown ON Canada
Have never even touched a Mac but am going to order an Imac 20 w/ 2gig ram and 256 video tomorrow.
It has taken me a few months to talk the wife into it, (I don't care, do what you want is good enough for me :) .
This forum has been the major reason for my switching, I've been lurking for a long time and have be really impressed with community.
Have been PCing it for over 20 years.
Willkommen, Bienvenue, Welcome....

First thing's first, when you get your iMac and it's all set up and running go to the Apple menu (top left corner) and click on Software Update. Let it run and make sure you download all the updates - there could be quite a few - to make sure your OS and all the Apple applications are fully up to date.

If you have any software you've already purchased eg Microsoft Office:mac or Adobe CS2 etc, install them and run their update programs so they are running the most recent versions.

Then you can go nuts importing all your files and media and stuff, mess around with Front Row and all the nifty OS stuff like exposé.

Make sure you put this site into your bookmarks.
To continue Chundles' reference to the intro screen (you'll get it when you first start setting up the new Mac): ようこそ...

Welcome, and you should have a great time. A lifelong hardcore Windows user where I work bought a 17" iMac over the weekend, and he's apparently already enjoying it, and that's not an experience he's generally had relative to computers while I've worked with him.

But, of course, as said, when something DOESN'T work, that's why there are helpful folks like us willing to donate time and talent to make your Mac experience a good one.

Keep us posted on how it goes, good or bad.
I am new to the Mac myself. I have been a PC person for over a decade and I love my iMac and OSX. Very easy to learn and a lot of great programs for it. Maybe not exactly what you were used to using a PC but i've found out that there isn't much you can't do with this awesome computer. a couple things that took me a little getting used to that may help you out since you have been using a PC for many years:

1. No drive letters! Took some getting used to but when i go back to work in the mornings i am trying to find the Macintosh HD :D
2. To install or uninstall a program all you do is copy or delete the folder or file. No add/remove programs. This was the hardest part for me since i was trying to find out how to make sure everything was gone. It seemed a little to magical for me but that's how it works.

Now i'm wondering when Bill and the rest of the PC sofftware makers will catch on to this. :D
Makosuke said:
To continue Chundles' reference to the intro screen (you'll get it when you first start setting up the new Mac): ????...

Welcome, and you should have a great time. A lifelong hardcore Windows user where I work bought a 17" iMac over the weekend, and he's apparently already enjoying it, and that's not an experience he's generally had relative to computers while I've worked with him.

But, of course, as said, when something DOESN'T work, that's why there are helpful folks like us willing to donate time and talent to make your Mac experience a good one.

Keep us posted on how it goes, good or bad.

Well, I was referring to "Cabaret" but nice pick up.
Chundles said:
Well, I was referring to "Cabaret" but nice pick up.
Whoops. Given the multilingual "Welcome" movie, and that your three languages are among the first to appear, I assumed incorrectly. Hey, two references in one! (I'd have quoted the Chinese and Korean welcomes too, but I don't know either of those languages.)
Makosuke said:
Whoops. Given the multilingual "Welcome" movie, and that your three languages are among the first to appear, I assumed incorrectly. Hey, two references in one! (I'd have quoted the Chinese and Korean welcomes too, but I don't know either of those languages.)
English: Welcome!
Korean: 안녕하세요! (Anyounghaseyo!) [Can also mean "Hello"]
Japanese: 歓迎 (Youkoso!)
Chinese: 欢迎

I'm no translator so don't yell at me if any of the above are wrong.
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