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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Dec 10, 2016
I'd like to find an app that will allow me to make lists that I can see from two different views, but where changes to one item are reflected in both views.

For example:

I'd like to have a list interviewees and cities so I can organize which interviews I will conduct in each city, and be able to view that, for example, in Chicago I have interviews with person 1, 2 and 4. Then I'd also like to be able to look in a list view under person 4 and see all the cities they will be interviewing in. If I make a chance in one of the views like removing Chicago from the profile of person 4, then when going to the Chicago list I'd like to see it reflect person 4 no longer being there.

Any ideas of apps that have this functionality?

A Matrix/table in excel would show you that.

Interviewees down column A and Cities in Row 1 (or vice versa), delete/add columns and rows as the situation changes, "X" in "Interviewee in this city" intersections.
A Matrix/table in excel would show you that.

Interviewees down column A and Cities in Row 1 (or vice versa), delete/add columns and rows as the situation changes, "X" in "Interviewee in this city" intersections.

That had occurred to me but I was looking for something with a little nicer layout. Not sure if a premade option exists though.
Pagico might do that, or something similar.

Or Filemaker; might be a template that already exists to create nice reports for each of the scenarios you describe.
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