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macrumors regular
Original poster
Aug 10, 2005
my music folder is looking kinda cramped, how do i put them so theyll look more neat and orderly (like in a grid or whatever like you could do in windows)

also: for some reason two albums i have keep going into a "compilations" folder
ill move them out and they go back in

help help help!
Decahedron said:
my music folder is looking kinda cramped, how do i put them so theyll look more neat and orderly (like in a grid or whatever like you could do in windows)

also: for some reason two albums i have keep going into a "compilations" folder
ill move them out and they go back in

help help help!

Command-J brings up view options, where you can turn on "snap to grid" or "arrange by:"

As for the compilation issue, go to the albums in itunes, get info on the songs, and uncheck the "is part of a compilation" checkbox
stridey said:
Command-J brings up view options, where you can turn on "snap to grid" or "arrange by:"

As for the compilation issue, go to the albums in itunes, get info on the songs, and uncheck the "is part of a compilation" checkbox
Decahedron said:
eck, i selected snap to grid but its not really doing anything!

Make sure you have the folder in question open when you open the view options. There's a different view options window for each folder. Sort of. It's a weird model.
stridey said:
Make sure you have the folder in question open when you open the view options. There's a different view options window for each folder. Sort of. It's a weird model.
yah i did it in the folder, and put it to apply to all folders but then it just doesnt really work O_O

i was hoping somethign that would automatically sort and grid them, alphabetically.
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