After a lot of searching with no results I've decided to ask this myself.
I have an original iPhone with 2.2 and it was jailbroken with QuickPwn. I've only got SBSettings with a theme and Cycorder on it along with a bunch of app store apps (5 pages). I've got nothing hidden or docked in SBSettings.
The problem is that ever since I jailbroke it in August it refuses to produce a backup with a time stamp (see attached image). Again, iTunes backs it up fine and syncs, it just doesn't have a time stamp. I'm under the impression that without a time stamp (Name's iPhone - MM/DD/YY) it isn't a valid backup and therefore iTunes refuses to restore from it if needed.
Is this true?
If so, is there anything that I can do to NOT lose all my app/game scores, settings, etc.?
As a side note, I don't plan on restoring to stock, I would just like to know what my options are if I need to in the future.
I have an original iPhone with 2.2 and it was jailbroken with QuickPwn. I've only got SBSettings with a theme and Cycorder on it along with a bunch of app store apps (5 pages). I've got nothing hidden or docked in SBSettings.
The problem is that ever since I jailbroke it in August it refuses to produce a backup with a time stamp (see attached image). Again, iTunes backs it up fine and syncs, it just doesn't have a time stamp. I'm under the impression that without a time stamp (Name's iPhone - MM/DD/YY) it isn't a valid backup and therefore iTunes refuses to restore from it if needed.
Is this true?
If so, is there anything that I can do to NOT lose all my app/game scores, settings, etc.?
As a side note, I don't plan on restoring to stock, I would just like to know what my options are if I need to in the future.