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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 26, 2015
Quebec city, Quebec, Canada
Hi everyone, it looks like some people noticed a significant battery degradation since their installation of OS 9.3 or 9.3.1. The topic is sparse in many thread. I thought it would be good to address it in a distinct thread. So. Do you noticed a degradation in your battery life and if so what OS and piece of equipment it's run on ?
(Sorry for any grammar or mispelling anomalies, English is not my native language ).
I have posted this elsewhere. I have two identically configured iPhone 6 phones. One is running 8.4.1, the other is running 9.3 (.0). I installed 9.3 on the first day it was released. They are running within the same range that they ran before I updated one of them.
Big drop in battery life. Previously my phone could sit while I was working for 8 hours, untouched, and lose 2% to 3% battery. Now I leave work and I've lost apx 40%. The drop in battery life was immediate after installing 9.3. Tried resetting all settings and a full restore without any luck. Have not had the time to do a full wipe as a new phone. 9.3.1 did not fix the issue.
I'm curious what apps people who keep reporting battery issues have installed. my iPhone 6 is currently at 35% battery with 6 hours of usage and 9 hours of standby. I'm on 9.3.1
Well, I mean, I don't want to try and list every single app I have. I don't have any of the well known battery killers though. No Facebook apps and I've heard Snapchat can kill battery but I've never once used or installed it. Apps I typically use in a day would be Mail, Siri, Antenna (Reddit app), and Weather Underground.

Regardless of those things though, I tried doing a hard restart of the phone first thing in the morning and not opening or doing anything with the phone, just driving to work and letting the phone sit for 8 hours....still lost about 40% through the day compared to my normal 2-3%.

This is on a 6s btw.
Compared to that, what do you call a "soft" restart?

Perhaps I was mistaken but I thought if you held the home and power button until the phone shut off, that was considered a "hard reset" and was a more thorough rebooting of the OS. You know how things you read on the internet can be though.
Perhaps I was mistaken but I thought if you held the home and power button until the phone shut off, that was considered a "hard reset" and was a more thorough rebooting of the OS. You know how things you read on the internet can be though.

I just wanted to state that there's nothing like a "soft" vs "hard" reset for most phones. Its just "reset". It's a hangover (and a wrong one) from the old PC days when people would distinguish between a PC doing a "soft" restart by pressing ctrl-alt-del vs a "hard" one by pressing the power button.
So, I've reloaded my phone and restored profile. I've reset all settings, I've reset network settings, and here's what I got.

My SIM is not in my phone since I moved it to another to get me through the days. I restarted the iPhone, plugged it in to charge to full and unplugged it last night before I went to bed. I then let it sit all night and while I was at work today without ever touching it.

Still not fixed. Note almost 7 hours of "usage" while I never touched the phone...and it never picked up on any apps to even report any usage by them.

2016-04-01 14.32.36.png
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