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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 13, 2020
Hello, today while encountering some problems in trying to install the official release version of Big Sur (was on DevBuild/Public Beta before) i've noticed this...


Macintosh HD in Container disk1 is greyed out and can't mount it, the text at center height in the main window should be something akin to "System Snapshot activated" in English with below the name of this sub-container/snapshot/whatever it is where the actual boot OS seems to be.
Now i'm pretty sure this is not expected behavior and i'm also pretty sure that this was present in Catalina too, the only thing i can think about is that it might have to do with the fact that when i first got this computer (16 inch MBP btw) and was trying to transfer the old data and users through an external HD via Migration Assistant the cable got yanked and the whole boot partition got corrupted and since it wouldn't boot up i had to erase the whole disk and reinstall the OS through Recovery.

Having said that, while it looks weird it doesn't seem it created me any problem all this time* but still if possible i would like to restore things as they should be; Any idea on how to do that? Should i even do it?

*maybe this caused the problems i had in downloading and installing release Big Sur? Essentially after a while the download would stop with a message appearing saying "Encountered an error while installing" and even after i managed to download completely the first time the "Install macOS Big Sur" app would not respond when opened.


macrumors newbie
Nov 26, 2018
Ciao, ho la tua stessa identica situazione, identica in ogni singolo dettaglio che vedo scritto sulla schermata che hai postato. Ho provato a fare un'installazione pulita 3 volte e non è cambiato nulla. A questo punto immagino sia normale, io ho un iMac del 2017. Con Catalina non c'era tutto ciò, tutto era perfettamente normale, è Big Sur


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 13, 2020
Just for more clear understanding for the wider audience: lostlover91 has the same situation as mine, tried a clean install three times and nothing changed to this point he thinks it's normal, also according to him this was not present in Catalina.


Sep 3, 2006
That's the way it should be. Big Sur boots from a sealed snapshot. There is nothing weird in your Disk Utility screenshot.
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Nov 13, 2020
Ah ok, i knew about that but i thought it was going to be transparent for the user... thanks for letting me know, will mark as solved.


macrumors newbie
Nov 26, 2018
Aggiornamento, ora succede una cosa strana. Ogni tanto il volume Macintosh HD in utility disco risulta attivo e quindi non più "scolorito" e sia lui sia la sua sottopartizione eccetera risultano con proprietari: abilitati. Inoltre appare un altro disco con dicitura solo lettura. Appena riavvio il mac, macintosh HD torna di nuovo inattivo con attiva solo la sua sottopartizione ed entrambi tornano con proprietari: disabilitati, e l'altra partizione apparsa, scompare di nuovo. Non ho una spiegazione ne so da cosa dipenda tutto cio, non lo so ricondurre a nessuna mia azione
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