hey there
Over this past week my powerbook with os X has crashed at least 3 or 4 times, once or twice when downloading a bit torrent file over ISDN and the other few times with just running the usual programs, Explorer, Itunes, mail etc, nothing out of the ordinary. I know this is defiantly not normal and i was wondering is there anyway of telling what exactly caused the system to crash? I think it crashed anyway; a brownish window comes up saying the computer needs to be restarted with different languages below? It sounds more like my computer is dieing!
Any ideas? I certainly havent got any
Over this past week my powerbook with os X has crashed at least 3 or 4 times, once or twice when downloading a bit torrent file over ISDN and the other few times with just running the usual programs, Explorer, Itunes, mail etc, nothing out of the ordinary. I know this is defiantly not normal and i was wondering is there anyway of telling what exactly caused the system to crash? I think it crashed anyway; a brownish window comes up saying the computer needs to be restarted with different languages below? It sounds more like my computer is dieing!
Any ideas? I certainly havent got any