well i cant really use keys to boot from a volume, Im not sure why. i think it has to do with my keyboard. search this forum for a thread call boot from cd i made that thread to try and figure out why i couldnf get it to boot from cd.
but since you dont care if i ask questions, let me ask...
why do the following hard drives not work in my computer?
1.Maxtor D740X-6L 40 GB
2.Quantum Fireball Plus AS 40 GB (I have 2 of these)
3.(the biggie) Western DigitalCaviar 120 GB
i have some smaller ones too. but i want these to work, especialy the 120 GB one.
they are all IDE HD's and they all work. but when i put them in the computer doesnt boot up.
sometimes it pops up to the little folder icon with the finder face in it. and blinks with a question mark.
sometimes it goes to OS X and when the OS starts to load it stops at mounding local drives!
i would tell you what HD's i have in there right now, but i my computer is hard to get out. and i would rather not get it out unless i had to.
all i can say is the 2 small ones 4 and 6 GB are quantum's and the 6 GN one came with the computer!