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Dont be too sure--It could just be a photoshop dream......

I cant believe that Macromedia has taken so long to get ready for X. Its just rediculous.
It's for real - the OS X beta is all over the net, the release is going to be in two weeks time.
Re: hold up!

Originally posted by Mac_User
Real player for X is on the net? I have wanted to check it out! Where i is it??

He said that the Flash6 beta is all over the net...NOT Real player. Did you read the thread? It's about Flash 6.

I like the the layers and the effect choice (5th image from top)...that is interesting. I also read that the scripting is more advanced and I have tested the Flash6 player beta....using that you now can use the viewers mic and or camera to record! That is awesome.

Hello Clueless. You there?

A. Flash is a rich-media creator developed by Macromedia that allows vector-based animation to be created and exported for the web, CD applications, Quicktime, etc. If you've ever heard of flash player on a website (JoeCartoon,, CoaCola, etc etc etc etc) then you've seen flash.

B. He said "its for real" not RealPlayer
get in gear

Does this hopefully mean that we'll be seeing Dreamweaver/Fireworks soon too? I'm considering swtiching to Adobe Go Live, they may have been slow getting started, but Adpbe seems to be doing a lot better. Kind of a shame since Macromedia started out so quick with Freehand.
What have you guys heard regarding the scripting?

I like Actionscript but I've found it a little limited. Any word on how they're expanding it?
Re: ...?...

Originally posted by Mac_User
...What does flash do? I have heard the name, but never got the specs on it.:confused:

Hey, do not believe them.

Flash is a very versatile software that allow you to download DVD movies in a matter of secunds, even if you have 14.4 modems.

The version 6 allows you to download 6 movies at the same time!!!

If you need more information just ask.:D
Estás muy mal, hombre de Venezuela. Muy muy mal. Él va a estar muy enojado cuando Flash 6 no descarga películas de DVD.
Originally posted by agreenster
Estás muy mal, hombre de Venezuela. Muy muy mal. Él va a estar muy enojado cuando Flash 6 no descarga películas de DVD.

I'll have to get my girlfriend on the case with this one....I have no clue what u just said!
Muy Mal

Aside from downloading DVDs flash comes with the flash plug-in(red suit with yellow lightning bolts), once plugged in flash lets you run at incredible speeds.

es muy mal tambien lo so....

The best thing about the new flash is your able to load jpeg and mp3 into movies and embed quicktime movies and even stream them live or pre recorded. And all the new actionscript functions.

very cool!
i think what agreenstar was saying in that spanish phrase was that that venuzualian guy is going to be unhappy when he discovers that there will be problems with flash 6 and dvd...or something like that.
why do people post just to be an ass?

I don't understand why people need to waste time posting a message just to put someone down for not knowing what a given program is. who gives a crap. either given them an answer, or save your breath. why do you need to be an ass just because someone is not at your geek level?

I heard a while back that macromedia is due to announce Flash 6 on March 15th (it was on a previous thread on this site a week or two back) the only worry was this was going to not going to include an OS X verison - we need worry no more.

This also ties in with the fact that Macromedia have been demonstrating Flash 6 to their authorised training centres so they are ready for the release (this was the last two weeks of feb & first two of March).

I have seen some signs of a OS X Fireworks beta doing the rounds, but no actual screenshots or working betas so far.
Why wait on Macromedia when Adobe LiveMotion 2 is available now for osX.

And when you study some of the product comparisons, you'll find some things that Flash doesn't have.

Unfortunetly Abode will always be playing catchup to Flash because flash has developed into more than an animators tools. Flash will always have the lastest actionscript functions, and this is where Macromedia want to take flash - more functionality, server side intergration, etc.

The flash player is now available for so many devices - it's becoming a medium in it's own right. Browsers, pdas, games consoles, mobile phones, the list goes on. Macromedia also recently stopped development of Generator it's sever-side Flash application. Flash is going to do what generator did working with Macromedia ColdFusion. I just don't see how Adobe can keep up in this arena.

Also as somone mentioned the new Flash 6 player allows you to hookup your mic & webcam to create great new types of flash movies - really interesting multiuser interactivity/communications.

Take a look at the OS X flash 6 beta Player here:
flash on march 15 a sure bet.

i just got back from macromedia's actionscript training class and they are putting together a big media buzz starting monday. the following tuesday i'm going to some washington area multimedia developers organization where macromedia will outline the changes and improvements from 5 to 6.

from what i understand, flash is going to integrate much tighter with cold fusion, as well as the updated ultradev (and fade out CF studio for us mac developers)...pretty much we'll have flash for interactive connectivity, ultradev for dynamic web sites, and the cold fusion (powered up to around the security and robustness of JSPs) for middle-ware...of course, that's coming from macromedia's mouth so don't flame me if you think CF isn't the answer and JSP's are...

also please realize i just said the new flash is due 3-15, not cold fusion.....from what i understand they want to publish a few titles on 3-15, but i think cold fusion is later...
flash 6 on march 15th

hope this is true. Flash is the last app holding me back from total OS X integration.....

crossing my fingers right now...
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