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macrumors member
Original poster
Dec 30, 2014
iTunes is horrible with metadata, and as a result, my library is messed up. There are three major problem I'm having:

1.) Songs/Albums disappearing completely: Back in the days before buying music from the iTunes Store was mainstream, I imported my entire collection of CDs (we're talking hundreds) to iTunes. I've migrated my library to several new computers since then, and now half of that music is gone with no trace. Now, I don't even have a computer with an optical drive. I might buy an external one, but I really don't want to import all of those CDs again.

2.) Album Titles/Artwork disappearing: iTunes is infamous for showing "Unknown Album" with a blank album cover on half of your library. This seems to happen randomly with no rhyme or reason, and there doesn't seem to be any obvious fix. Granted, the names of the songs are still there. However, it's inconvenient for anyone and painful for people like myself who have OCD.

3.) Split Albums/Duplicate Songs: There are way too many instances of duplicate songs in my iTunes Library and again, no easy way to alleviate the problem. A new problem that's started happening fairly recently is the same album appearing twice, each instance with only some of the songs.

If anyone could help me with these issues, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Back in the days before...
When did you start using iTunes, which version? The folder and database structure has changed considerably since iTunes 9, and a long chain of updates can cause lost artwork and other weird problems as well.

You might try creating a fresh new iTunes library (hold opt key when starting). Then, from the startup screen, search your drive for music files etc. That'll give you a thoroughly modern library structure. For me, the process also restored some CD's that had gone missing. Make a backup, and save your album art with this first.
Save and restore play counts and star ratings with this.

It's a lot of work, but you'll probably end up with far less flakiness.
If it turns out to be too much effort, you can always revert to the old library.
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