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Original poster
Mar 10, 2004
Bergen, Norway
A friend of mine still using Classic (9.2.2) got into really big problems when she installed the new version of Eudora Email, Eudora 6.1.1. Every time she starts Eudora the machine/OS9 freezes and she has to reboot the hard way...

Anobody else experienced something similar, and maybe knows about a fix? It's been years since I had a working Classic system, so I'm a bit outdated. So, if anybody do know any (quick) fixes so she doesn't have to do a clean install, she (and I) will be very happy... ;)
Mitthrawnuruodo said:
A friend of mine still using Classic (9.2.2) got into really big problems when she installed the new version of Eudora Email, Eudora 6.1.1. Every time she starts Eudora the machine/OS9 freezes and she has to reboot the hard way...

Anobody else experienced something similar, and maybe knows about a fix? It's been years since I had a working Classic system, so I'm a bit outdated. So, if anybody do know any (quick) fixes so she doesn't have to do a clean install, she (and I) will be very happy... ;)
The first thing to check when a Classic application crashes consistently is the preferences file. Its exact location depends on how you have Mac OS X Classic settings configured - if the checkbox "Use Mac OS 9 preferences from your home" is UNCHECKED, it's in the Preferences folder inside your Mac OS 9 system folder. If that box IS checked, it is in ~/Library/Classic/Preferences where ~ is your user folder. Try removing the preference file and launching Eudora and see if it works now.
wrldwzrd89 said:
The first thing to check when a Classic application crashes consistently is the preferences file. Its exact location depends on how you have Mac OS X Classic settings configured - if the checkbox "Use Mac OS 9 preferences from your home" is UNCHECKED, it's in the Preferences folder inside your Mac OS 9 system folder. If that box IS checked, it is in ~/Library/Classic/Preferences where ~ is your user folder. Try removing the preference file and launching Eudora and see if it works now.

Aah... I'm sorry I wasn't clear enogh. My friend doesn't use OS X, she boots in OS9/Classic. If it was an OS X problem I probably could have helped...

I don't quite see why anybody would run a Mail client in Classic Environment from OSX though... is there any circumstances where that would be necessary or helpful in any way...?
Mitthrawnuruodo said:
Aah... I'm sorry I wasn't clear enogh. My friend doesn't use OS X, she boots in OS9/Classic. If it was an OS X problem I probably could have helped...

I don't quite see why anybody would run a Mail client in Classic Environment from OSX though... is there any circumstances where that would be necessary or helpful in any way...?
Well, in that case, just look in your Mac OS 9 system folder, in the Preferences folder. In there you'll find a preferences file for Eudora. Move/Trash it, then restart Eudora and see if the problem clears up.
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